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Alt+ commands with gnome

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11 years ago
After i've got the game working, i run into difficulties with the Alt key. Namely, Alt-click does nothing. I suspect it is a system settings issue. Anyway, how can i confirm/disapprove that, change Alt to something else either in Gnome settings or zero-k ones?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I don't know about in Gnome, but in XFCE you can make it work by going into settings manager > window manager tweaks > accessibility and setting "key used to grab and move windows" to something other than alt.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Thank you, TheSponge.
(found the same solution here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/118151/how-do-i-disable-window-move-with-alt-left-mouse-button-in-gnome-shell)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
/grabinput in spring is superior to disabling alt-drag in your DE. I always miss alt-drag when forced to endure windows or macos...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
... again, why is /grabinput a command instead of default behavior?

This is like having a button in a car that says "push this button to keep your engine from exploding".
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Evolution RTS had /grabinput by default (via widget) and it caused me some ire.

Example of bad grabinput:

1) Anarchid starts an Evo game in borderless windowed mode.
2) While it loads, Anarchid goes from Spring-occupied virtual desktop #4 "Water" to Firefox-occupied virtual desktop #2 "Fire" and reads article about robot suicide.
3) Spring completes load.
4) Grabinput takes force.
5) Invisible window on hidden virtual desktop prevents all input to system. Good luck if you know how to quit spring blindly.
+4 / -0

11 years ago
... ouch. Yeah, it would have to be done carefully, but either way - when the Spring RTS window has focus, wouldn't you expect GrabInput to be the default? When it doesn't have focus is, of course, another matter.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
That is probably something that could be handled if focus is known. That is, set /grabinput the first time the Spring window gets focus, rather than when the game starts regardless of focus.

I'm curious if Forb is on Windows or Linux, since Windows doesn't really have virtual desktops (there are programs, but nothing native) while pretty much all Linux desktops and Mac OS X have them natively.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Where can i read on grabinput? I still have issue with gnome displaying its notification bar every time i try to move camera south (thankfully, wullscreen mode prevents the similar thing to happen when i try to move it north).
+0 / -0
Are you running with Fullscreen, Windowed, or Borderless Window? "/grabinput" is a command you type into chat (or bind to a key in Spring/LuaUI/Configs/zk_keys.lua) which prevents the cursor from leaving the Spring window, at least while the Spring window has focus (I'm not fully sure how the behaviour differs between Windows and Linux).
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It also lets spring intercept all keyboard input, allowing use of alt (otherwise reserved for window drag in many linux DE's).
+0 / -0