quote: Now for working out when to release. |
imo should wait with release until:
...playing singleplayer is
really easy
...the comments on missions/tutorials no longer look like bug reports ("
"Help It says setup failed: D script not found")
...there is a solution thats prevent a dozen newbies noobing around in a room, but game never starts because nobody has the map.
...there are not 545 open issues on bug tracker. (if only so that it is actually useable once new reports come in?) 50+ have status "high" or "critical"
...the installation has been tested
...there is something that allows players to easily share infologs & screenshots. (or a page that explains that)
...zK uses current engine version, so that engine devs can support it and help
...there exist some basic guidelines on how to deal with critic from new players (for players and devs)...at least 2-3 people who manage the steam-stuff, how to make updates etc.
(as in those people have the rights/acess/login data)
Needs to be more than 1 person so that it does not take days to publish crictical fix. (With currentl zK installer not so important, but maybe with preload etc.)
That is just a few points to think about, before anyone gets carried away by "omg greenlit" and wants to release asap.
Basically there needs to be some roadmap what must be done until release.
Maybe such roadmap/checklist already exists? But did not see it anywhere. Which would be somewhat bad too, because means many others probally did not see it either.
With greenlit it is maybe already bit "dangerous situation" now:
There is no release yet, but the zero-K name got much more visible because of steam news.
Most steam users appearently want their games on steam only, but some might still install it from site. Which could turn out unpleasant because zK is not really "prepared" for it.
If there should be flood of players with problems, needs to be recognized quickly and then put out message:
"blabla thanks for your interesst in our greenlight but we are not quite ready for release yet."
If something fails (always an option) must not be afraid to admit that as soon as possible - any waiting or denying only does more damage.
Yes, is exciting to launch and everything but if the rocket explodes then all the astronauts fall down and nobody goes to the moon.