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Unlocks suggestion

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This is what I suggest:
- "1v1", "FFA: All welcome!", "NEWBIES only", "COOP vs AI" should not have any unlocks at all. Everything should be available.

- "SMALL TEAMS", "TEAMS: All welcome!" should have strict unlocks policy, when every unit that potentially may harm to newbie/team/be misused, should be locked until some lvl/xp.
I suggest to lock out every static unit, except: factroies, mex, wind, solar, simple radar, sonar. Terraform should be locked too.

"Analogy is quite simple. Do you allow ur 10 year kids to play with fire, or drink alcohol? I guess no. Why?
Newb is like a drunk kid playing with fire, while he is driving at 100 miles/hour on oncoming lane... And you keep telling them: go on, good boy, everyone did this! If you kill yourself and 10 others, it's ok! Tomorrow 20 new kids will join our community!..." (...)
Following this analogy I do not suggest completely block them from playing with fire and drinking alcohol... I just tell: let them do this in more safely way when they can't harm others. If someone is going to kill himself, let him do this, okay, but when he won't take 10 others in this wonderful journey to the hell gates with no way back.

As a result we get:
- newbs like to start from "TEAMS: All welcome!". They won't be confused with 1000 new units, they will be restricted to few tactics. This will guide them on the right way - using mobility forces and not making singu in base protected by 20 stingers and 10 shields.
- they may not like this, if so they are welcome to play as they want to in - "1v1", "FFA: All welcome!", "NEWBIES only", "COOP vs AI"
WITHOUT unlocks.

This should lead to:
1. more "1v1", "FFA: All welcome!", "NEWBIES only", "COOP vs AI" games
2. less steep learning curve and faster game adoption
3. less rage and trolling at "SMALL TEAMS", "TEAMS: All welcome!", healthier community
4. happier newbies -> more players in general

A few days ago I was playing 6v6 with a bunch of newbies...
One of them built meteor controller and TKed my huge singu farm "by mistake". Game was lost.

P.S. I wrote this post without any trolling in my mind, so I ask to not judge my post looking at my nickname only but think with ur head.

Update from 10.06
Some links to replays, pay some attention what Ultrazidane90 was doing
+25 / -0
10 years ago
+1 / -2
as long as its just the 10v10 lagfest room that has unlocks i see no issues

also as long as it does not take 100+ hours to unlock evrything
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I think I generally agree with this.

Well not sure about the part where its ok for the kids to booze it up as long as their doing it alone :0

But this suggestion basically makes sense.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
This won't pass anyway, cuz sponge and his ''noob friendly" policy.
+0 / -3
I actually like this. When I first started playing ZK I recall higher level units being locked, this seems to be an unpopular opinion but I actually liked this aspect of the game. This was despite the fact that I played the game when it was called CA and was already familiar with most units. I found I was quite capable of doing well with the unitset first available and choosing which units to unlock as a leveled up gave a good feeling of progression.

I agree with @[TROLL]sfireman that brand new players + superweapons = a recipe for disaster. Same goes for singus and anything that could easily TK allies.
+5 / -0

10 years ago
The option above is somewhat elegant on the grounds of saying that pub teams are uncompetitive in such a way that nobody notices.

Have your 13th upvote.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
yp i agreed need lock more for newb:
-air factory
-advancing units\buildings(adv radar, all straider, heavy porc (hlt, newton etc)
Its be improve basic micro, and knowledge about basic units, learn basic tactics\strategy
-lock teams game, can play only in newb room and self room\chicken room
(cant be remove 1 lvl player from team normal playing)
+1 / -0
10 years ago
If newbies acting like newbies is only a problem for team games, then adding one or two 1500+ elo team game autohosts would be enough, no need for any unlock system.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Mixing different ELO isnt a bad thing, because it gives newbies a chance to see vets in action. Splitting teams into more rooms (another elo limited room) migth work when we have larger community, but I don't think its a good idea yet or both rooms will be sitting with half what's needed for a decent match.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
So what do you do for comms? Player makes an OMG Hardkore comm to use in 1v1/FFA and finds out he can't use it in Teams because he hasn't unlocked it?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Player makes an OMG Hardkore comm to use in 1v1/FFA
Feel the irony of your speech, lol.
+3 / -0

10 years ago
I'm just saying it's going to be frustrating for newbies that, if you allow custom comms in the "all unlocks free" servers, suddenly the newbs have to maintain two sets of comms - one with their actual unlocked content, and one set built with access to everything. How do you reconcile that? Stick to the list of 5 preconfigured comms?
+1 / -0

10 years ago
danger! danger!

rift in space-time continuum detected!

+7 / -0

10 years ago
let him do this, okay, but when he won't take 10 others in this wonderful journey to the hell gates with no way back

who are you, and what have you done to fireman?
+6 / -0
10 years ago
19 upvotes? This can't be sfireman
+5 / -0
10 years ago
Actually when sfire isn't being a troll he's an ok guy. I hope we see more of him like this.
+5 / -0
sfire, you could've kept the first post much shorter. Just write "enable unlocks in games I play, disable them everywhere else". After all, small teams and teams are the only room you play.
+0 / -4
10 years ago
Silly Saksi u didnt get the point! He plays ffa and 1v1 too, but these cant be ruined by nubteam! So it should be "Enable the unlocks in ever game that I can lose because of nubs"!
Silly Saksi
+0 / -0
10 years ago
If we do this, perhaps the link to Unlocks menu should be bigger / more visible.

The menu itself needs a BIG header to explain what the unlocks are for, eg.
"Unlock specialized units for use in Large Teams"

Followed by a line in smaller font:
"You have access to everything in all other rooms, eg. player-created rooms, FFA, 1v1, Coop vs AI. "

Followed by a longer paragraph (normal sized font) for explanation:
"Locked units are hard to use and generally considered extreme specialists. Sometimes, misuse can even doom your entire team! The unlock system allows you to get familiar with the game and them one at a time. "

RE what to lock:
LLT, HLT, Faraday, MT, RK, Hacksaw and torp launcher shouldn't be unlocks. Maybe you could get away with locking HLT, but sometimes you do need one even in large team games.

Pylons should be locked. Wind power lines are almost always better and all defences that need grid are locked anyway. Same with storage, you almost never need it.

At least one of the air factories should not be locked.
+2 / -0
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