If you like to use Slashers,
then provides "Overshoot Preventation" or whatever it's called out.
If you click on the Slasher, then in the menu at the bottom left to the right side, these two vertical bars. ||
When are green, is to overkill Prev.
This must be grayed out so that this "feature" is disabled.
Why should you disable it?
Suppose you have 10 Slashers and all fire at a Pyro ....
When the Pyro then has only 10 hp the following happens:
A slasher rocket does more damage than 10 hp, so consider the 10 Slasher, which may fire by them.
Until this process is completed, and by the overkill Ai perhaps the far distant Slasher has been selected for "I may fire", the 10 hp Pyro has been killed by your 10 Slashers.
If, however, the overkill Preventation been eliminated at the very outset, then have all 10 Slashers fired at once and the Pyro would have been history.
This effect becomes even more so when, for example, a phoenix is angeaimt.
Suppose the Slashers are attacked by a phoenix, and the Slashers fire at the Phoenix.
At the same time attack 2 Glaive.
All 10 Slashers fire at the phoenix, the phoenix is fired from the Slashers to 10 hp down.
Now the following happens thanks overkill Prev:
9 Slashers cease firing.
The 10th Slasher, who was selected by the overkill Ai to cheer but killed by other units, as here, by the Glaive.
The Phoenix escapes ...
Give it a try.
Grade if you often Slashers used you notice this effect often.
Slashers are much more effective with switched overkill Prev.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________Good point, I ought to try that. Planes have gotten away because of OK prevention.