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Quit study

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8 years ago
1. select ex-players where stoppedplayingafter = 1-6 months
2. conduct science of circumstances surrounding departure. example, conversations before leaving.
3. theories!
4. remove <reasons for leaving>
5. zk population grows
6. ????
7. profit
+0 / -0

8 years ago
The ??? / PROFIT meme requires the crucial step to be omitted that allows actual profit.

In this case, for the purposes of memetic perfection, i suggest replacing point 2 with ???

Namely, just eyeballing everything is unlikely to give you anything significant (except ideas). You have to generate testable hypotheses to do the science thing.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
let's consider the usage of the term science loosely
+1 / -0
Oh, you mean that kind of !!science!! where we set things on fire / drown in magma / see if locking them up with rabid dogs for a decade turns them into heartless kiling machines :P

That might be illegal
+1 / -0
mad scientist!
+0 / -0
8 years ago
science not possible because data is currently unavaviaavable https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Infrastructure/issues/997
+0 / -0
If you are just going to manually watch thousands upon thousands of replays, then you have enough data to busy yourself fulltime.

If you come up with a way to process all replays reasonably fast to test a certain hypothesis (which requires a hypothesis, first), then i can just go fetch the replays.

We can even invoke DErankBrackman to do the statistics at some point probably! :P
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Pedantic nitpicking aside, this is a good idea, and will hopefully be possible in the near future once Licho fixes the replay downloading issue.

It might also be possible to review server chat logs from the departed users (i.e. their conversations from #zk etc). I'm not sure how much history the chat server keeps... I know it keeps a day or two so that Nightwatch can tell you what you missed, and it should be pretty easy to keep months or years considering how little traffic there is, but I have no idea what Licho has it set to.

Even looking at a dozen cases or so would be instructive, if not necessarily conclusive.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
A related idea: review the conversations of new players within the hours and days after they begin playing, to see what kind of issues they face and what questions they have, so that we can make the onramp smoother for future new players.

I think most of us know - or at least think we know - what the big things are that turn off new players. Lord knows many of us have listed them many times before. But it would be instructive to get confirmation of what the problems really are by (retroactively) "discussing" it with the new players in their own words. We might find out that the problems aren't necessarily what we think they are.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
Not thousands but over years I might have watched hundreds of replays.
Random example: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/19737?postID=149009#149009
All involved players did not stay.
I am not bored enough to write a play-by-play for every newb replay because what is the use?
(But give me proper forum search and I could post more.)

Mildly related: Go to http://zero-k.info/Users and sort by "first log in" and then click backwards through time: Most new accounts never begin playing.

Find a problem with game -> Post it on https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K
Find a problem with lobby/installer/website -> Post on https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Infrastructure
Discussing issues is no use in forum because next week the thread will be buried under wubwub and seabalance.
+4 / -0
I think most of us know - or at least think we know - what the big things are that turn off new players. Lord knows many of us have listed them many times before.
I thought so too, that everyone would roughly be on same opinion about bugs, missing stuff and so on. But actually the interpretations are totally different.
+3 / -0

8 years ago
1. select ex-players where stoppedplayingafter = 1-6 months
2. conduct science of circumstances surrounding departure. example, conversations before leaving.

10v10+ only
troll culture
porc meta
+7 / -0
I can tell from the start the reason I leave for a long time and then I come back.

I do this because i always hope for more complexity in this game. Because I don't see it I leave and come back again over and over.

Game balance is mostly for 1 vs 1 even if 1 vs 1 is not the top play mechanic for the game. I don't want to start my standard ideas regarding balance, more units for the game and more complexity because people are bored of them. So instead of boring people I decided to do other things with my spare time.

Best regards, from a future player that will totally quit this game if things don't change.
+0 / -0
I hate the flat tech tree tbh ^^
Advenced tech tree but lot like in BA where u drop units of lower tier hwne u advacnce to higher, but rather usem them as support till teh end of game, becuase higher tiers won't make it on their own would be better, in my own personal and undoubtly mine opinion.
Why I hte it, becsaue there is nothing to discover during the game. No sub-achievment between ''start'' and ''win''. You can do whatever ou want from the day 0.
+0 / -2
8 years ago
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Huh, I find the flat tech tree a huge selling point for me, so there's an impasse there. I find it, combined with each unit doing one thing without having special abilities, sets the tech structure up to be more like a fighting game (basically all moves available at all times, but some are safer to do than others, much like some units are cheaper in ZK). If anything, the weakness of complexity should probably be addressed by either making units ridiculously unique (they are already pretty unique) or tweaking things so that each factory has 2 or 3 solid early-mid game options, though I suppose that could lead to BO poker issues.
+4 / -0

8 years ago
4. remove <reasons for leaving>

here ya go https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Infrastructure/issues
have fun coding
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Rl catching up might be the top reason for long time users to stop playing. Nothing to do about this.
+4 / -0

8 years ago
May I ask what RI is DErankAdminmojjj ?
+0 / -0

8 years ago

+2 / -0
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