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Succession Season is Back

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If your a somewhat expirienced Dwarf Fortress player and would like to get in on a succession game leave your name and something interesting about your DF playstyle below.

Example: Im American1776. I like to burn babies to increase FPS. Im skilled in the gem and glass industries. I have poor architechture skills.

Also if you have any idea for how long turns should be and whether they should be based on ingametime or real life time. Also what the embark should be like, who should start, and any special rules to prevent abusing the game and banning external mods (besides theRAPIST and textturepacks(jollycrafy lol)).
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No way man. Sorry. Not after what happened with the last fortress. You had so much Junk Production that the stockpiles overflowed into every single room of the fortress and so you drilled huge square holes into the sides of Skasi's beautiful design to fill with stockpiles. So the FPS slowed down to nothing, and then you burnt babies to raise FPS and it lead to a huge tantrum spiral.
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12 years ago
what is this about? what is dwarf fortress?
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Dwarf Fortress is like Zero-K. You're in charge of a big group of random people who hate one another, don't listen to anything you say, play against their team and generally do everything they can to die as fast as possible. Sometimes a guy has a shit idea, then ends up in a discussion that makes you rage. The outcome is usually something that makes you rage even more. Sometimes it's really good stuff, but then chances are high some people ruin it.

Both games have frog developers, frequently receive big updates, lack multi-threading, kill your FPS and could do with a better gui. Both games support full zoom, have a deformable 3D map and if stuff dies you get lots of reclaim.
+1 / -0
12 years ago
Reclaim :D so you can make legendary copper swrods that menace with spikes of baby dwarf left arm ash
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I was talking about goblinite and piles upon piles of useless small/large clothing.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
this my little thread got turned into a shitty mess
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12 years ago
you are welcome.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Well I'm interested.
+0 / -0
Yeah but watch out, American, Frog might end up removing useful things from your fort to increase difficulty.

And then he will steal all the booze to create his own fort, beneath yours, leaving you boozeless to defend against hordes of enemies.

And then he will modify game objects and add ten more wood, leather, meat, blah blah blah types, because there's not enough. Plus he will make every workshop able to produce any good.

And then he will make copper as powerful as adamantine.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
If you and google are in Skasi, I'd be up for a game using the lag-reducing mechanisms of masterwork.

American apparently said 'I hate you saktoth' and 'I'm leaving forever' so we probably wont have to worry about that.

Though if you're new to DF google (Last thread, you seemed to be) a sucession fort will probably destroy you.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I'd want to do somethign like this, but I can't get past 1 year. I get mining and food going, but never get military working (right). Ambushes or random rats kill people/cause panic, then my military dies to them.
+0 / -0
rats lol giant cave spider sure... but rats.. really....jk its fine ts a hard game to learn

On another note ill be starting a fairly difficult embark.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
This looks perfect!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
"Dwarf Fortress is like Zero-K. You're in charge of a big group of random people who hate one another, don't listen to anything you say, play against their team and generally do everything they can to die as fast as possible. Sometimes a guy has a shit idea, then ends up in a discussion that makes you rage. The outcome is usually something that makes you rage even more. Sometimes it's really good stuff, but then chances are high some people ruin it."

Wow! This is the most accurate description I've ever heard of both of these games. However, you forgot something.

You forgot the main thing:
+0 / -0
i fucking hate my life 2 days in and a giant mosquito strangles all of my dwarves to death. somone else can start

EDIT: why the fuck are mosquitoes grand master wrestlers

EDIT EDIT: After they chokehold and strangle them they suck the blood out of thier heart for the killshot
+0 / -0
good luck have fun
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12 years ago
Well, that's what you get when you try embarking in TERRIFYING surroundings...
+0 / -0
Sak, is it possible to only use the lag reduction stuff from Masterwork? I somewhat detest DF mods. I've never tried any of them, because when reading through feature lists there's always some things that I don't like. The leather-meat-whatever merge thing to increase fps is one of the things I do like, though. :)

By the way, I've gotta warn everyone. I didn't play DF since before mine carts were added. I don't know why, probably been too excited from all the changes, especially the "more screens support custom window size" ones. Another reason's probably the trading screen.. I love trading so much that I spend an hour or so browsing through all the items, checking everything trice. Such a pain.

Err anyway, back to topic: I'm not in. Anybody of you likes to stream? :]
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12 years ago
maybe next season -.-

(im serious, i have no time right now ;) )
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