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Afk/lag give units, time penalty for comeback?

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4 years ago
So poll too bring back /take?

My eyes cant see any concrete here, just alot of jibbrish and Firepluk's good argument about elons. Noone knows why they removed it and replaced it with "Hey, you look like a good player, here take this shit" function. I dont give one crap about what you do with the stuff.

I just want too be able to choose if I want it or not.

Depending on if its turn-based (good too worse), nearest player, to the afker anything is better than forcing players too preform better, who already are under such high pressure because of the elons.

Everyone afk sometimes, its called real life. emergency shit or prehaps FBI storms the house, some people here lacks the concept of RL so I understand if this comes as a shock. "Shit" happends, problem isnt too take afkers stuff the problem is that we dont get too choose.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
Going afk or resigning gives players units and factories the same way. Is it the receivers responsibility to check from chat or whatever that did the other guy go afk or resign? No way, not really, who has time, its a battle game. Real time at that, too. If reclaiming afk players things is bad, what if they have resigned, they will never use the factories again.

The point being, its often annoying to check who afked or truly resigned, easier(and healthier for brain and nerves) to just reclaim.
+1 / -0
I've been given my fair share of units by resigners and AFKers and not even a single time have I been confused as to which one it was.

If somebody is going AFK frequently (especially repeatedly in the same game) go ahead and report them. "Don't be a dick" extends to the people who go AFK as well.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
This isn't helped by Afk triggering even if you are just sitting watching your expensive thing build while not moving mouse.

I can't count how many times I have been autospecced at the start of game because I was watching a youtube vid on my second monitor.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
This also makes going afk the strongest strategy for weaker players. Which sounds like a dreadful state of affairs.

What about tuning it so that grey/reds get replaced by an easy (even novice) AI, browns by a normal, golds by a hard and light blue+ by a brutal? Adds complication perhaps, but perhaps it'd stop afk being the new meta.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
Adds complication perhaps, but perhaps it'd stop afk being the new meta.
Think that would make it more meta. If someone hesitates between playing (intensive, need to be there) and speccing (fun, less commitment), an AI of similar skill taking over, might make them just play...
+1 / -0
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