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Win Conditions to prevent the stalling of games.

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4 years ago
Maybe put victory point like metal value losses vs current stuff cost? For example enemy lost 100k in units in game and they have only 8k left so countdown started. And also every resign deepens that points.
Metal value negative thing however is about that enemy lost detris but game is still not lost for them because they have just better eco and they can feed more. Still have feeling that win conditioning should be around how much unit cost have between teals and when there is very large difference. Like my team have 100k in cost but enemy 8k in cost. So my team won.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Can we implement all this fancy ideas just after we manage to explain to most people that they don't need storage at start?

In case it is not clear: while I agree with the intention of the mechanics, I think for many people it will make the game more complex, unclear or frustrating. I am even afraid that the current resign mechanics can hide lessons from players, in the sense that some people might think "my back base with the 3 desolator-s was impenetrable, and in 100 minutes I would have had a detriment, if only my team mates would not have resigned we would have won!" (at least this is my impression seeing them playing)
+2 / -0
I've removed storage from future wars. Should try out unit based storage in 0.18. If it plays well, it's a pretty simple system to integrate into base game. Problem is getting people to test how it plays.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I've removed storage from future wars.
While future wars looks interesting, don't feel it will replace ZK, so design decisions that make sense for one, might not for the other.

it's a pretty simple system to integrate into base game.
Would the storage be proportional with unit cost? If not, then people can start spamming cheapest thing to increase storage. If yes, then they might avoid engaging not to loose storage. (also) If yes, the only use-case for storage (big army fight were armies annihilate, but you can get the reclaim fast), will not work (as you probably will have much fewer units). For future wars in particular, infinite storage can also be fine... (but don't follow closely)
+0 / -0

4 years ago
we might also do it through metal income. As having less mexes might not necessarily mean losing due to the exsitance of supermexes and overdrive, so pure metal income is a better measurement of economy.

I think victory conditions need to be clear and consistent. Pure metal income is bad because it can fluctuate without the player 'doing anything', which makes it hard to tell how much territory is required to meet a given threshold. Players would be incentivised to stop production (boosting their overdrive) or even to reclaim their own structures at some point. Using any metal income besides base metal income seems to cause too many problems.

I started writing this thinking that base metal income was a good candidate for territory victory. It is easy to calculate 75% of the total base metal on the map, and its maximum doesn't change. I have rethought this position though, simply because tying victory to a number of mexes is far clearer. I don't think supermexes are a problem since they tend to be in the middle of the map or arranged symmetrically.

I see where objections such as "might not necessarily mean losing" comes from, but I am not giving them much weight. There are two ways to think about a new victory condition:
  • The victory condition is meant to predict who would have won (ie, destroyed all the enemy units) and truncate the game when this becomes reasonably obvious.
  • The victory condition is how the game is won, with no consideration for who could have otherwise destroyed all the other side's units.
I am using the second approach at the moment because I don't think the first is useful at this point. As such, I am trying to judge victory conditions by the types of actions they encourage and whether the resulting games seem fun.

I feel like anything that is a win condition should be visible to players the entire time, which could reveal more information about the game state than might be desirable.

For example, revealing the current balance of metal income, or mex control, or total cost of living units, is basically giving each team some important economic information about the other, which would definitely affect how games are played.

I would be wary about adding global information, but luckily I don't think win conditions have to be fully visible all the time. For example, a 75% metal spot victory condition could create a warning when the other team is above 65%.

Designate Commanders and Factories as "Command" units (along with other units that the designers think are significant enough). If only one player or team owns any Command units, a command-victory countdown begins; at the end of the countdown, the player/team with the Command units is declared the winner. The countdown stops if another player/team builds or regains a Command unit, or if the player with Command units loses all of said Command units.

I think losing when you have no commanders or factories is the cleanest version of this. The rule becomes very messy once the list of command units is extended beyond commanders and factories. To preserve some FFA behaviour the rule could be you win if you are the only allyteam with commanders or factories, but perhaps FFA would benefit from easier player elimination.

I have another one of my stupidly dragged out game. that match was Super speed metal and our team had won, except some lobster decided to take the comms of their resigned allies and terraform them into a deeeeeep pit (like starlight-proof levels of deep). I didn't know how the game ended as I lagged out but I do know it got dragged on for like 30 minutes.

This is beyond the scope of this discussion. I think there is general agreement that a side with a commander alive shouldn't lose.

Is this a solution in search of a problem? How often does someone hide a flea just to delay inevitable defeat.

But if this is a serious problem, just have a 60s timer or something start when one team has 100x the metal cost in living units as the other team. A small number of hidden fleas will quickly be overwhelmed in terms of material cost and you don't need to show the players until it has happened.

Overwhelming Advantage is a 25x multiplier, and barely ever happens, so this rule would do very little.

The problem as I see it is one of psychology. The lack of a reachable win condition in ZK puts the responsibility on players to decide when to stop playing. The game is training players to be on the lookout for when the game is hopeless, when to give up. The game ends when one side feels like it is pointless to continue. This all seems pretty bad on a psychological level.

If games concluded themselves, without input from the losing player, then players would be free to hang in there as long as the game allows them to. Losing the game while still trying seems better than losing it at the moment you give up.
+4 / -0
4 years ago
The problem as I see it is one of psychology. The lack of a reachable win condition in ZK puts the responsibility on players to decide when to stop playing. The game is training players to be on the lookout for when the game is hopeless, when to give up. The game ends when one side feels like it is pointless to continue. This all seems pretty bad on a psychological level.
Killing all enemy units is now the reachable win condition. I don't agree that the game is training the players to lookout of hopelessness, I think it's their inability to assess global situation and wanting an easy win. You lost your comm? Start a resign vote. You are 2v1 for some time? Start a resign vote. You are a spec that already resigned? Start a resign vote all the time because you want to play again (happened just last night).

If games concluded themselves, without input from the losing player, then players would be free to hang in there as long as the game allows them to. Losing the game while still trying seems better than losing it at the moment you give up.
I think what you want you say is in fact "if game concluded themselves faster". This is a fine goal, but will change how the game is played. Example: reclaim/resurrect? Less important, you need to hold mexes. Just killed the enemy detri that wrecked half your base? Less important enemy has already build mexes and won the game.

Idea: before implementing a new rule live, make a widget and run it on the team games in last week and check which games would have "ended early", by how much and who would have won (you could go with the change in any case, but at least having that data would make it clear the change is for player psychology only or also affects game length)
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Most of the win conditions discussed here would not have triggered, but I won this game despite all but one of my team resigning besides me and my team was pretty far behind as well. I am glad that we didn't resign even though a majority of the players on my team already had.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
FRrankmalric I call the current win conditions unreachable because they happen very rarely.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
I think the most reasonable condition is: A team has won if its unit value is at least 3 times as high as the sum of the other teams. If it is 2 times as high, a global warning can be shown. In contrast to income or mex number, this condition considers edge cases like only detriment left, speedmetal, metalmult=0 and high OD base in map corner.

I like FRrankmalric's idea of running a test. In this case, the teams' mex numbers, incomes and unit values at the moment of resign should be stored and compared.
+1 / -0
Losing the game while still trying seems better than losing it at the moment you give up.

what? it`s way more frustrating and emotionally draining for me if i try hard and still lose. resigning is a way to accept defeat and be happy either with how far you got or that you don`t have to endure the pain for longer.
Psychologically the zk-community is way to diverse to come to this conclusions imho.

O and yes there should be at least two exception of this rule. One is DErankChesti and other one is ILranknimor. Both of them is high rank players but always prolong game even if it is 100000% lost. :D

people like ILranknimor play on because they seriously think they can win. i know because i have talked to them while they play. it`s delusional, sure, but the point of delusions is that they are unrealistic. Actual expample:
me: "we had a quarter of their income, we had around 12% of the map and their army value is thrice ours."
them: "but we could have nuked the advancing army, reclaim like mad and make a comeback."

To those players, other win conditions than getting all units killed would feel more like you "stole" the game from them. We have seen in a very prominent real-life-case recently how powerful denial can be. In fact, i have been accused in the above case to be responsible for the lost game because i resigned "too early" (granted, I used to resign early, but I gave up on that and in this case, I am very sure it`s not "early")

Personally I feel like win conditions other than "make the enemy resign" should only take effect when it is clear as daylight that the losing team has no chance. I've had games where lobster decided to build a simcity in a corner of the map.

...and the consensus so far always has been that there is no way to prevent this sim-city. we had whole multi-post-discussions about that, resulting in severe interpersonal tension. Win conditions are such a super-fundamental aspect of the game i don`t think they should be changed after 8 years or so. additionaly "clear as daylight" is extremely subjective. YOU might percieve it as such, others don`t. that`s why they build sim-city in the first place. because they don`t understand the game. it seems they think they can pork for ages and they make a sortie after half an hour that will roll over their enemy.

Given that, I think deliberately stalling games (digging your com as last unit a few km into the ground) should be a reportable offense, and that`s where it should stop.
+5 / -0

4 years ago
The problem as I see it is one of psychology. The lack of a reachable win condition in ZK puts the responsibility on players to decide when to stop playing. The game is training players to be on the lookout for when the game is hopeless, when to give up. The game ends when one side feels like it is pointless to continue. This all seems pretty bad on a psychological level.

If you set other win conditions, then this will simply change the point where people think it`s hopeless. "In 3 minutes, they will get all those mexes and our team is not able or willing to do anything about it -> resign-vote."

The lack of a reachable win condition in ZK puts the responsibility on players to decide when to stop playing.

I think this is actually pretty desirable over the game itself forcing the players to play on or to quit. If i couldn`t resign for example i would sinply exit the game or go afk.
I mean, I can see where you are coming from, but you don`t seem to take into account that the feeling of being in control about one`s own fate seems to be a general desire of the absolute majority of humans.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Those are all good points DErankkatastrophe about how making a new win condition would be very difficult.

On the goals that you quoted:
  • The aim is to remove the emotionally draining part of trying and still losing by making the game forcibly end before you drain yourself too hard.
  • If the encourages everyone to play to a particular point, a point that is a compromise between resigning what would be called 'early' or 'late' in the current system, then there should be less arguments about resigning. Someone who wants to resign three minutes early should be happy to play for those three minutes every now and again, if it means that the game actually ends and isn't held up by those who resign really late.
+0 / -0
The aim is to remove the emotionally draining part of trying and still losing by making the game forcibly end before you drain yourself too hard.
Some people like to fight against odds. I am sure there is a "distribution" of how much you want and enjoy fighting and how much you get emotional drain. I honestly don't get the ones that seem to get high emotional drain (hence, they want to abandon) but still not resign and watch the game as a spec. Many times without them the game can even be won, but I feel like they have some "fear of missing out"...

If the encourages everyone to play to a particular point, a point that is a compromise between resigning what would be called 'early' or 'late' in the current system,
I think you miss the cases in which people want to resign and the game is a win for that team! I have seen many games (sadly don't have numbers) in which there are several resign votes in the team that wins. I think you can agree that can't be included in the "resign late" category, hence I am afraid another system will still suffer from completely misguided wishes to resign.

Maybe we should have another system like an in-game button with "want to play another game with at least 6 players and resign current game". When the number of players is reached, everybody on that queue is automatically resigned and moved to the new game. Such a system would
  • reduce waiting times for people in the lobby that want to play
  • eliminate the need to wait as a spec if you resign "Early"
  • might encourage multiple hosts (oh, the holy grail!)

One more idea: allow in the first 3 minutes of a game more people to join (if they can be balanced). Not sure if this is possible without engine modifications (probably not), but would be a nice concept because it would give you a bit of time to "assess" the current situation and decide if you want to "switch".

Edit: and if we are at crazy idea, would be cool to have continuous game, like be able to join at any time (subject to some balancing) and join an existing team. But that would need engine save/load state...
+1 / -0

4 years ago
I'm pretty sure adding spectators to teams is possible on the fly.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
I'm pretty sure adding spectators to teams is possible on the fly.
Do not think it would help much with the scenarios above. If you are halfway through a game that you think is lost and a new team games "just started" (meaning couple of minutes), you can't join the new game. You could be offered the choice before the start (the "I want to switch game queue"), but not after.

+1 / -0

4 years ago
I've been meaning to look at tinkering with the FFA KOTH - is it still even accessible in the lobby? KOTH is a good way to prevent the ultra-porcy nature of FFA from dragging on forever.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I'm pretty sure adding spectators to teams is possible on the fly.

It is. See: Commshare. Use Spring.AssignPlayerToTeam
+1 / -0

4 years ago
KOTH sounds like a fun mode to try. It's surely bitrotten by now, but there are people around who could mod it in fairly easily. All it would take is a small widget and gadget.
+0 / -0

4 years ago

look at that battle. i guess we would have been shut down by artificial win-conditions.
+0 / -0
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