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when AFK time lind

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time Lind 3:20 go eat food

around 4:00 clan dish around 6:30 dinner

just let player know why AFk can take control of my unit but not my commander till get back in the game

don't resigned the game

Houston Texas time lind

also let Nightwatch know already what been doing

its ok player doesn't want respected me it didn't matter or time zone is other thing put into later

respected take time

how is it hard understand me tho speak English ?
+0 / -0
2 years ago
If you know when you gonna be away, why start games?

I hope players wont take control of your commander when you go afk as per your wishes. I for one will not respect this wish.

Also I dont think anyone will tell Nightwatch what you have been doing. Unless you told it yourself, in which case it doesnt matter anyway? You are hard to understand.

Also its not Lind, its line. Right? Maybe.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Timezone, not time line.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
wait we shouldnt assume he isnt a time traveler without asking
+2 / -0
2 years ago
at some point i might understand it more if u were speaking your mother language
+0 / -1
don't speak my mother language at all

and my mother didn't speak well in English she more speaking Vietnamese then English
+1 / -0
2 years ago
what language do you speak?

maybe you could google translate that language
+0 / -0
2 years ago
speak English and Vietnamese but there no south Vietnamese language in goggle yet only VC north Vietnamese language
+0 / -0

2 years ago
❌don't speak my mother language at all
✔️I don't speak my mother language at all.

❌and my mother didn't speak well in English she more speaking Vietnamese then English
✔️My mother doesn't speak English very well; she speaks Vietnamese more than English.

Never start a sentence with a conjunction. Use punctuation instead of new lines. New lining is fine in a format like online chat, but you're on a forum. Tell yourself you need a . ! or ? at the end of every sentence.

also let Nightwatch know already what been doing

What who has been doing? You really CANNOT drop personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, they, it) from sentences.

❌its ok player doesn't want respected me it didn't matter or time zone is other thing put into later
✔️It's ok if players do not want to respect me; respect takes time.

(Dropped the extra bits because I can't make sense of what you're trying to say)

❌don't resigned the game
✔️Please don't resign while I'm gone. (Corrected with social context intact)
✔️Please don't resign. (Note you're making a request here, you should use more polite words like "Could", "Would" or "Please")
✔️Don't resign the game. (Worse version, this is a command rather than a request)

❌how is it hard understand me tho speak English ?
✔️Why is it hard to understand me? (Caution: "How is it hard to understand me even though I'm speaking English" implies a fault on the reader which may cause escalate)

❌just let player know why AFk can take control of my unit but not my commander till get back in the game
✔️I'm just letting other players know why I'm afk. I don't care if you control my units while I'm gone, but please try to keep my commander alive until I get back.

Corrected entire post (so you can see how to make things flow):


Hi, I'm posting my schedule here so if I go afk, you know what I'm doing. I will probably go afk at around 3:20pm for lunch, 4:00pm to wash dishes, and around 6:30pm because I need to eat dinner. I'm in Houston, Texas so these times are in CST (UTC-6). Please feel free to use my units as you see fit, but try to keep my commander alive until I get back in game. Thanks.

❌speak English and Vietnamese but there no south Vietnamese language in goggle yet only VC north Vietnamese language
✔️I speak English and Vietnamese, but Google Translate only translates into North Vietnamese, not South Vietnamese.

I was not aware there was a North and South Vietnamese. Is it very different?
+5 / -0
2 years ago
yes different not all the same i know my engish is not great at time but less trying
+2 / -0

2 years ago
yes different not all the same i know my engish is not great at time but less trying

✔️Yes, it's different. I know my English isn't great right now, but at least I'm trying.

Yes, I'm aware you're trying. Do not feel the need to make an excuse for making mistakes. Mistakes are part of the learning process. I'm learning Finnish language myself, so I know how you feel roughly.
+3 / -0
2 years ago
woo way to go! work your magic shaman
+0 / -0
2 years ago
thank you shaman for your translation

in my precedent post i did express myself poorly and i d like to correct that

i suggested @dohieu to include his original translation into his post
so that users could use their own translators
+0 / -0