❌don't speak my mother language at all
I don't speak my mother language at all.
❌and my mother didn't speak well in English she more speaking Vietnamese then English
✔️My mother doesn't speak English very well; she speaks Vietnamese more than English.
Never start a sentence with a conjunction. Use punctuation instead of new lines. New lining is fine in a format like online chat, but you're on a forum. Tell yourself you need a . ! or ? at the end of every sentence.
quote: also let Nightwatch know already what been doing |
What who has been doing? You really
CANNOT drop personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, they, it) from sentences.
❌its ok player doesn't want respected me it didn't matter or time zone is other thing put into later
✔️It's ok if players do not want to respect me; respect takes time.
(Dropped the extra bits because I can't make sense of what you're trying to say)
❌don't resigned the game
✔️Please don't resign while I'm gone. (Corrected with social context intact)
✔️Please don't resign. (Note you're making a request here, you should use more polite words like "Could", "Would" or "Please")
✔️Don't resign the game. (Worse version, this is a command rather than a request)
❌how is it hard understand me tho speak English ?
✔️Why is it hard to understand me? (Caution: "How is it hard to understand me even though I'm speaking English" implies a fault on the reader which may cause escalate)
❌just let player know why AFk can take control of my unit but not my commander till get back in the game
✔️I'm just letting other players know why I'm afk. I don't care if you control my units while I'm gone, but please try to keep my commander alive until I get back.
Corrected entire post (so you can see how to make things flow):
Hi, I'm posting my schedule here so if I go afk, you know what I'm doing. I will probably go afk at around 3:20pm for lunch, 4:00pm to wash dishes, and around 6:30pm because I need to eat dinner. I'm in Houston, Texas so these times are in CST (UTC-6). Please feel free to use my units as you see fit, but try to keep my commander alive until I get back in game. Thanks.
❌speak English and Vietnamese but there no south Vietnamese language in goggle yet only VC north Vietnamese language
✔️I speak English and Vietnamese, but Google Translate only translates into North Vietnamese, not South Vietnamese.
I was not aware there was a North and South Vietnamese. Is it very different?