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Zerok- v1.1.3.6

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Major changes for this version are the ability to use priority for stockpile and morph, a Stiletto nerf and changes to the way keybinds are handled. There are also a lot of code changes a fixes.

The keybinds change has reset all keybinds. Players which modified keybinds through the ingame menu will need to rebind them. Players using uikeys.txt have a few options for keybind migration. Additional information: http://zero-k.info/Wiki/KeybindFile


For now we are sticking with the old engine (91.0) because the update has many bugs which we cannot fix. Most of the bugs which we can fix have been fixed.

Most of the remaining bugs are graphical bugs or crash bugs which occur for some people and not others. We cannot test for these bugs. To prevent future releases like this we just need some players to occasionally try the BLEEDING EDGE host to make sure it still works. Players who experienced bugs in 93.2 should do this frequently for now such that we can actually get an engine release that works.

Morph & Stockpiling Priority

Now you can set priority to morph and weapon stockpiling just like regular construction priority.


Large Shields:
  • 5% less regen rate (60 -> 57 in all 3 cases).

  • Stun Time 15s -> 13s
  • EMP Damage reduced by 10%

  • Can fire underwater

  • Health 1300 -> 850


  • The new ZK keybinds system is now operational. See here for more information http://zero-k.info/Wiki/KeybindFile
  • More keybind-able buttons added to EpicMenu interface.
  • EpicMenu also allows player to use the old ui_keys.txt instead of the new ZK_keys.lua. Go to Settings/Misc to set this option.
  • F4 now will also highlight ally wrecks in addition to enemy wrecks.
  • Build ETA text now has an outline for better visibility.
  • More buttons for unit visibility widgets in Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility and Settings/Interface/Selection. ie: XrayShader, Outline, Halo, TeamPlatter and Spotter widget.
  • Shadow setting now uses a slider.
  • Added a "Select Next Player" button to Settings/Interface/Spectating.


Nuclear and Singularity explosions now create a bright lighting effect. This requires the engine settings MaxDynamicMapLight and MaxDynamicModelLight to be greater than 0.


  • Various improvements in COFC operation, such as smoother unit tracking.
  • Map Edge Extension widget can now draw a curvature effect for the region outside the playable map (VFX). The fog effect at the playable map edge can also now be toggled.
  • Added Commander Info (Comm-n-Elo Startpos. Info) widget that shows ally commander selection.
  • The KeyboardMenu now has buttons for building units.
  • The ShowAllCommands widget will now always show commands for current selection when "Show only on shift" is enabled. Its settings are now in Settings/Interface/Command Visibility.


  • Added custom metal spots for PizzaTime_v02.
  • Added custom metal spots for StormSiege_v3.
  • Added custom metal spots for Grts_Messa_008.


  • Fixed Space+Click on player list not working.
  • Rapier wreck now use new model instead of old one.
  • Fixed commander facing direction during gamestart.
  • Fixed Weaver wreck/debris giving 12/6 more metal than it should have.
  • Fixed CAI continuing to work when its team is killed.
  • Fixed rare case of unit exiting factory and not going idle (NoStuckInFactory widget).
  • Fixed chicken queen kill award. Now players can get the queen kill award.

Add experimental impulse jumpjet option to ModOption. Requires Spring93.1.1++ and therefore is not enabled by default.
+0 / -0
So it seems a different priority toggle has been added, which is independent from the first.

I think a second priority toggle is an excellent milestone in which one must ask the question, "Do we really need two different types of priority?".
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Unfortunately we do need two types because one of the most common usages of this priority will be during commander morph. In this case it is important to control where the resources go.

+0 / -0
11 years ago
Where do you change the MaxDynamicModelLight and MaxDynamicMapLight options? Where do we report bugs we find in the BLEEDING EDGE host? Also does anyone have any ideas about the horrible glitches i had in 91.0 here http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/4421?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Bugs go here http://code.google.com/p/zero-k/issues/list
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Weren't amphs supposed to be tanks compared to hovers? Good job, you screwed up. AGAIN! *sigh*
+0 / -0
* Can fire underwater
> If it is not true, please change it into "Can fire while standing in shallow water".

Before nerfing the Clam HP by 1/3, try reducing it to 1200 first - so that shadows can 1-hit them.
If you shield them with Aspis spam, it doesn't matter anyway - shield fac2 :D

Or change the stats of Serpent?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Kitty, don't waste time trying to explain to devs that over-nerfing and over-buffing are bad things to do. I've told them for years and start to believe they will never learn. Better spend your time playing with a ball of wool!
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The clam has been brought in line with other bot cons in its class (it still has more HP cost than weaver or freaker). This is not a matter of a 5%-10% change to balance a unit to it's role, but changing a unit that can be directly compared to the other bot constructors.

The problem is that it was balanced towards a stat comparison with the Tank Constructor, which for a huge range of reasons is a bad idea: The tank con has veh pathing, does not interact with torpedoes, has no stealth of damage avoidance that amph offers, has a huge footprint and so is harder to stack, and is in a factory where it must fend for itself.

It makes much more sense with it's new HP values, especially since constructor-zerging with instabuild defenses is something we practically NEVER want to encourage, so again, not nerfing a unit within it's role but nerfing a unit totally out of a role we do not want it to be in.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
== Engine ==
For now we are sticking with the old engine (91.0)

+0 / -0
11 years ago
Welder is faster.

Freaker can jump.
Bubble con has it's shield.

Amph in water is exposed to super-strong torpedoes from ships and urchins.
Never seen Urchin-Advance? You are basically forced to porc-advance with shields.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
that's a very big clam hp nerf

outlaw buff, nice
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Amphibs can't really fend for themselves on land.
Grizzly and Buoy is arguably the only potent units that can manage without being able to retreat to sea.
+0 / -0
:P the problem for sea is not that other labs are op...

its the fact that ship lab is OP, and not just OP in one direction, every single ship unit is insanely OP in all stats...

thats why amph have to be unbalanced, cause sea units take only 1-2 shots to kill any unit in water, and have more range and hp then evrything else...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Crusader is balanced.
Corvette is balanced.

Enforcer is balanced, because it sucks as riot vs Scrubber spam (too large colvol(gauss), low reload) and loses to Pene/Grizzly/Licho/Sub

Skeeter is imba, because it's AA, anti-Scrubber, can evade ducks and buoys
* Only static vs them is stardust, only hover unit combos are mace+halbert or mace+scalpel.
Skeeter are faster than Scrubbers and almost as fast as banshees - they only need 5 (instead of 5.5) speed!!!

Don't count warlords/reefs to ships - they are striders now.
+0 / -0
Corvette is unkillable by hovers... unless you have pen
corvette kills mace verry fast bue to higher speed and manuverability

Crusader, do you mean the 700, outrange evrything, outrun evrything, unkillable doom boat?

Corvette is already a super riot, enforcer dosent need to be one. It 1 shots anything, has more range then almost all units in other labs, has tones of hp, is fast and manuverable as hell, and has absolutley no counter...

Then theres the subs and torpedoe boats, oce your enemy has one, you can forget about any amph other then grizzly, cause they will never make cost...

O and skeeter, its pretymuch the only balanced unit in sea...

neonstorm, have you ever played sea?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Amphs are invulnerable to the majority of weapons in the game while submerged. The only weapons they're weak to are the ones hovers are immune to, meaning everything has to be defended by double metal cost to ensure it is not vulnerable to one or the other. Meanwhile, ships themselves are vulnerable to the lot.

Amph's don't need help with their survivability.
+0 / -0
Skeeters are faster than ANY OTHER ground unit - INCL. Panther (5.5 vs 3.9)
> They are good AA against early gunship stuff and avengers, so that the air player can not support others like air is intended to and too fast for the heavy support.

BTW: You can beat 1 Corvette with Mace+Scalpel but not chase it.

Maybe you are right with Corvette+Enforcer, they don't need this role both...
> Enforcer can have a bit less AOE, so that it wouldn't outrange launchers (not it's role)

Is it good, that ships are faster than vehicles, faster than hovers, anywhere between vehicles and gunships?
> It is not a problem of Crusader or any other ship, but of the whole fac.

AUrankAdminSaktoth: Then give every unit 1 weapon vs floating/swimming and 1 deepcharge launcher which can't hit not submersed units.
> Or make it stronger vs EVERYTHING and get balance issues.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Where did the buttons to enable 1-team view go? The button which enabled view of only 1 team when speccing or replaying, I cant find them anywhere in the menu anymore.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Unfortunately we do need two types because one of the most common usages of this priority will be during commander morph. In this case it is important to control where the resources go.

Then the mechanics that require two different types of priority should be under consideration I think.

There are a lot of other reasons combat morph was already bad.
+0 / -0
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