It's time to finally do what has been requested since the 1v1 tournament last month. Players from all skill ranges are welcome to participate, all you need is a 2v2 partner. If you sign up but realise later that you can't make it to the tournament, please find a replacement for yourself or cancel your participation.
The tournament is scheduled to start at 18:00 GMT 22.02.2014. Registration is done in this thread - I will manually add all participants to the Challonge tourney page here: will be run in single elmination Bo3 format. Seeds will be shuffled before the tournament starts.
About maps. Every round the first map is predetermined. Second and a possible third map are loser's choice, however special/weird maps as well as water maps are not allowed. Maps with puddles like on Aquatic Divide or Fissure are fine, but anything more watery than that is a no-no.
List of maps for the first game of every round:
1st round: TitanDuel
2nd round: FrozenPlanetv3
3rd round: Obsidian_0.1_Beta
4th round(if there will be enough players): Comet Catcher Redux
Note that these map choices are not set in stone. For example, if due to the number of participating teams first round would only have one match then I'll probably just find another map for it and let the next round have TitanDuel.
In the case there are not going to be enough participating teams the tournament gets postponed by a week or two. Hopefully that won't be necessary.
Anyway, registration is open!