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Shifting Sands v1.3

By Manu12

If you refer to the shifting sands of a situation, you mean that it changes so often that it is difficult to deal with. 1v1 - 4v4 Map
Size: 14 x 8


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As long as there are no more major bugs or one realllllly op fac i consider this to be the final version.
+3 / -0

6 years ago
Weird colors, why water areas are green?

Great effort Manu, I commend you for reaching your goal with learning to mapmake :)
+0 / -0
@zenfur i was actually looking for a texture which resembles moss or sth like that but that was the only texture which kinda resembled what i was thinking about. I can only use the textures which are available :/
Maybe i could have used some lighter blending idk. If i feel like it needs another textureoverhaul i might do sth again.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Supported. Get a couple of PvP test games and (pending other devs approval) it can be featured.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Played few PVE games.

I think the water passage on the south could be a bit widened. The secondary zig-zac ramps on the hills area are infuriating to path through.

Ships have lots of problems pathing around little islands - also the centre one - lots of my ships got stuck there. Could the water be deepened by 1-2? Maybe reducing map deformability would help ships getting stuck on sea a bit. I feel overall that amph bots are pretty strong here, scallop is insane on shallows especially with a lobster. They also have raid access to the back.

Overall plays decent, didn't play 1v1 yet though. Has lots of metal sufficient to build striders.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I'm sorry for an unconstructive comment, but i cannot unsee :D

+5 / -0

6 years ago
+1 / -0
Terrain is anonymously lumpy. Units get stuck all over on areas that look smooth.
+0 / -0
Terrain is anonymously lumpy. Units get stuck all over on areas that look smooth.

If you explain where (and which) units get stuck i can do sth about it.

and if you mean your hover getting stuck at Multiplayer B659519 6 on Shifting Sands v1.3 then this was not the problem of the map but Scalpel missiles which deformed the ramp and caused your mace to stop, same with Multiplayer B659526 5 on Shifting Sands v1.3 where 2 Quills pushed your 3th Quill between a mex and a solar which is in my opinion not considered normal circumstances for units/ a fault of the map (thats why you couldnt fix your quill with map smooth, the map was already smooth).

The only things i consider to change atm are:
1. Make the 2 waterpaths at bot more ships friendly (slight improvement in width)
2. Change or redo the 2 small ramps between top and mid, because units dont like to use this ramp even tho it is pathable and has a shorter walking distance.
(3. there are complains about the textures but idk how to make them look better with the stuff available at springboard, might have to use blender or sth like that. any tipps how to make a decent texture?)
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Looking forward to playing it again, let's have a game later
+1 / -0

6 years ago
The map hardness could be increased to make it more difficult to deform the terrain into unfortunate behaviour.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Anyone daring to put down a list what needs to be done to make this map feature worthy? I dont want to put out like 3-4 more versions out and pester people to support these versions. Like i already said

The only things i consider to change atm are:
1. Make the 2 waterpaths at bot more ships friendly (slight improvement in width)
2. Change or redo the 2 small ramps between top and mid, because units dont like to use this ramp even tho it is pathable and has a shorter walking distance.
3. Increase map hardness to reduce pathing bugs after projectile impact/ bomb explosions.
(4. there are complains about the textures but idk how to make them look better with the stuff available at springboard, might have to use blender or sth like that. Any tipps how to make a decent texture?)
+0 / -0
I would consider making (at least some fraction of) the centre lake deep enough for submarines, shipfac and ship striders. A depth of -16 achieves this while still being pathable for most land units (although some will be unable to shoot).

The tool I've used to texture my last few maps is GIMP. Its interface is a bit imposing but you don't need to know how to use most of it.

- Copy in a few textures, tile them to the size of your map
- Set up a texture map with a few layers, each of which holds one of your textures
- Define layer masks to determine which texture is visible where
- Export image to png or whatever

is a good starting point. I'd expect there to be a way to import more textures into Springboard though.

I think (besides perhaps the map hardness?) none of this is required for featuring though.
+1 / -0
I would consider making (at least some fraction of) the centre lake deep enough for submarines, shipfac and ship striders. A depth of -16 achieves this while still being pathable for most land units (although some will be unable to shoot).

This is quite hard to implement because i would arbitrarily put deep water (-16) between the 2 deep spots which results in:
- some units being unable to shoot even if it looks like they could
- spiders (and maybe rovers) being unable to move between north and mid which is contradictory to sparkles idea of having the lanes help each other out (north is definitely a spider spot)
- there will definitely be pathing problems with big ships like shogun because they cant turn around in a small water channel (seen already at south with smaller ships) and i dont want to turn mid into ship/amph only

The tool I've used to texture my last few maps is GIMP. Its interface is a bit imposing but you don't need to know how to use most of it.

- Copy in a few textures, tile them to the size of your map
- Set up a texture map with a few layers, each of which holds one of your textures
- Define layer masks to determine which texture is visible where
- Export image to png or whatever

how can you apply the texture appropriately (e.g. to fit with hightmap) when building the texture in gimp only? You cant see what you are doing that way and it was hard enough for me to do the textures by hand in springboard where i could instantly see the result of my drawing.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
how can you apply the texture appropriately (e.g. to fit with hightmap) when building the texture in gimp only? You cant see what you are doing that way and it was hard enough for me to do the textures by hand in springboard where i could instantly see the result of my drawing.

Applying the magic wand tool (available in simpler image tools like paint.net as well as GIMP) to your heightmap can obtain areas of similar height to wherever you click. Other tools like Terrasculptor have more sophisticated filters you can apply to your heightmap but I haven't really mastered those myself.

Another approach: take your previous texture built in Springboard and compare the new texture directly with that. If you can convince Springboard to paint simple colours (or at least quite distinct textures) then you should be able to build a terrain type map that way.
+0 / -0
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