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explode cost


Maintained by AUrankSmokeDragon
Last updated 7 months ago
Created 9 months ago
download JSON metadata of explode_cost
major breakthrough.. this is the tech i needed and will lead to the compleation of shield health, explode cost, train factory, and countless new mods soon to come


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major breakthrough.. this is the tech i needed and will lead to the compleation of shield health, explode cost, train factory, and countless new mods soon to come

+0 / -0
I tried an passed,

if (
(name ~= "slicer") and
(not invalidunitnames[ud.name]) and

ud.metalcost > 0
)) and
(ud.selfDestructCountdown and ud.selfDestructCountdown < 1 ) -- don't work
) then

tested work on comm
+2 / -0
" Error: ')' expected near '0' " is very very odd

I found the bug.
Spring.Utilities.Base64Decode is wrong which eat '>' sometimes
+1 / -0
its ok i solved this but thanks for the help in testing coms

the error was that slicer is an error checker i believe and has nill cost..

when the first if statment checks to see if slicer is on the invalid unit names list it also checks if it has 0 metalcost but it has nill metalcost {}.. so i needed to seperate the checks so that it wont even check it.
+0 / -0
7 months ago
ill update my op to reflect the changes and working code
+0 / -0

this is not working for striders and multi weapon units.. i cant yet get my head around why but ill try fix it soon

if anyone can help?
+0 / -0
7 months ago
my code
+0 / -0
interestin ill look into this soon thanks for your help =)

ok fixed my other mods time to fix this and korez

your code works well.. thank you for your help. can i add you to a list of contibutors on my hub page?
+0 / -0
here is final code thanks again xntwsad. its just a cleaned up version of your changes because they are working well.

+0 / -0
phew.. that took ages but i fixed it.. the problem was i was using two '' apostrophe marks rather then " quotation marks and they looked the same in the editor i was using
+0 / -0

7 months ago
Are you not using a monospaced font when writing code? That would have caught that error almost immediately.
+1 / -0
thats a good idea!

in the next few days i will be fixing and releasing about 6 new mods. stay tuned =)
+0 / -0