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Planet Aubun

The Cold Place Remake V3c
Size: 14 x 10
Team size: 2 vs 2
Governor: PTrankraaar No Clan
100 (100%)


Time Event
6 years ago USrank_Shaman has demolished a Wormhole Generator on Aubun.
6 years ago USrank_Shaman has confiscated PTrankraaar structure Wormhole Generator on Aubun.
6 years ago PTrankraaar of Federation has captured planet Aubun from EErankAdminAnarchid of Dynasty TheGBC. B567827
6 years ago All non-evacuated structures have been disabled on Dynasty planet Aubun. B567827
6 years ago Federation attacked Dynasty Aubun in B567827 and won. Federation gained 45 influence (100% from winning flawlessly of 35 base +10 from dropships)
6 years ago NLrankBlackdutchie of Federation bombed Dynasty planet Aubun using 10 bombers against 0 defenses. Ground armies lost 12 influence.
6 years ago NLrankBlackdutchie of Federation bombed Dynasty planet Aubun using 10 bombers against 0 defenses. Ground armies lost 12 influence and Power Generator Unit was destroyed.
6 years ago NLrankBlackdutchie sends 10 Federation dropships to Dynasty Aubun
6 years ago EErankAdminAnarchid has claimed planet Aubun for Dynasty TheGBC. B567781
6 years ago All non-evacuated structures have been disabled on Federation planet Aubun. B567781
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