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Planet Helios

Wanderlust v03
Size: 10 x 8
Team size: 2 vs 2
Governor: DErankLordOfMord No Clan
Capabilities: ship movement , +0.3 (0.3%) influence spread
100 (100%)


DISABLED owned by DErankLordOfMord

Rush activation costs 100
Power Generator Unit
Produces energy each turn
Turns to activate:2
  • energy production +50
ACTIVE owned by DErankLordOfMord

Wormhole Generator
Links planet to neighbours - spreads influence per turn; hardened against bomber attack
Turns to activate:3
  • allows ship movement to connected planets
  • spreads 0.3 influence to nearby planets each turn
Time Event
6 years ago GBrankredbear_89 has built a Power Generator Unit on Empire planet Helios.
6 years ago All non-evacuated structures have been disabled on Empire planet Helios. B567825
6 years ago Empire attacked Empire Helios in B567825 and won. Empire gained 35 influence (100% from winning flawlessly of 35 base)
6 years ago DErankLordOfMord has claimed planet Helios for Empire . B567812
6 years ago All non-evacuated structures have been disabled on planet Helios. B567812
6 years ago Empire attacked Helios in B567812 and won. Empire gained 35 influence (100% from winning flawlessly of 35 base)
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