

Krustar DeRPenssen

Lulzy Neb

Sean Dronnery

Last battles
4789 played, 5148 watched, 82 missions

Posted threads
100 posts in 11 threads

Poll votes
- Would you like to replace Small Supreme Battlefield with Tangerine in the featured map pool? :
- What would your preferred maximum match size be on the team vs. team autohosts? : 5v5-7v7
- We have recently changed factory prices to 1000, how do you feel about this change? : Factories should be cheaper than 1000 metal
- Should commshare be enabled by default? : Don't know/care.
- Are you playing with text to speech (automatic reading of ally text) enabled? : Yes (default settings)
First Login: 10 years ago, Last Login: 47 hours agoForum karma: +74 / -7
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