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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.9.3.1
Engine version: 104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f
Battle ID: 1088725
Started: 3 years ago
Duration: 57 minutes
Players: 20
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Lost
Chance of victory: 66.1%
XP gained: 53
AUrankAdminAquanim died in 57 minutes
BRrankDiplomatadoCaos died in 50 minutes
CNrankwptr_007 died in 57 minutes
CArankSaB0TaG3 died in 57 minutes
GBrankmrdetonation died in 44 minutes
ROrankvincentiuleata died in 26 minutes
ITrankDarkOdraode died in 57 minutes
USrankCassord died in 51 minutes
JGS died in 48 minutes
FRrankMirtille died in 57 minutes
Team 2 Won!
Chance of victory: 33.9%
XP gained: 66
RUrankProKidAshKa died in 57 minutes
CZrankPosranaveverka died in 40 minutes

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Another 15 minutes of my life wasted by there never being enough players still at their computers at the same time to resign. If the resign threshold is going to be raised something really needs to be done about individually resigned and AFK players contributing to the required quorum.
+1 / -0
3 years ago
I think a more fundamental issue is just AFK-ing in general. As it is not discouraged at all (example of such discouragement if you AFK and get back you can't get back your units for 1 minute - or any type of "mild punishment" to make people trying to avoid it).

For this particular case, why didn't you just resign and let team die faster? Based on "died in" I assume you played until the end. If best players resign, the game usually finishes much faster...
+1 / -0
For this particular case, why didn't you just resign and let team die faster? Based on "died in" I assume you played until the end. If best players resign, the game usually finishes much faster...

I really wasn't doing anything meaningful for most of those 15 minutes. We just had a large network of porc stalling the game out and the other team was not in a hurry.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
I don't think players that have personally resigned should make it harder for the team to resign. I'm not so sure it should automatically make it easier either, but that depends on where you draw the line between people playing the game out or forcing the room to reset to take in more players. AFK people should possibly auto-vote.
+2 / -0
3 years ago
I think there are 2 types of AFK: player AFK (should auto-vote no to resign) and spectator AFK (should auto-vote yes to resign).

But anyhow I would rather have no player AFK. One idea would be to have a decreasing timer for resign once you go AFK. You go AFK first time you have 3 minutes to come back. You go AFK second time you have 1 minute to come back. And so on... (maybe should not be per game, but per day or something)
+0 / -0

3 years ago
My take would be that people who are resigned or AFK should simply not count towards the vote or the number required to resolve the vote at all.
+5 / -0
3 years ago
As I prefer to favor people playing I like your proposal even more, but you do realize that means that if one/two player refuse to resign game might take even longer - as without (some) spec votes for a resign vote, even with "half of players for vote pass" rule, it might get harder to pass the resign votes.

+0 / -0

3 years ago
If a majority of the players actually in the game do not want to resign, so be it.
+4 / -0

3 years ago
I have no idea why people that have already resigned themselves are still required to vote at all.
+4 / -0
3 years ago
While I personally do not like the approach, I can imagine the following scenarios:
- if people resigned too early and see game was not lost - they could say "no" to a resign vote
- if people resigned but saw game really looks lost - they could say "yes" to a resign vote

Of course, unintended and bad (real-life) side effects are:
- people just want to start faster a new game irrespective of situation - they just vote "yes"
- people go AFK and you can't get quorum

Not giving any voting power to resigned people would also discourage people to resign - which is something that I like.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
- if people resigned too early and see game was not lost - they could say "no" to a resign vote

isnt this kinda speccheat then?
+1 / -0
3 years ago
Yes, but this is how it can work today. Without checking data, I have no way of knowing how actually common it is. Still, I really doubt that someone notices the vote of an already resigned player and makes informed decisions based on it,..
+0 / -0

3 years ago
i did multiple times already
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Not sure what part you did exactly, speaking for me if I did not resign I will not continue playing just because of a resigned player voting no. I will continue playing until I am sure there is no chance...
+1 / -0