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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.11.8.2
Engine version: 105.1.1-1821-gaca6f20
Battle ID: 1716941
Started: 17 months ago
Duration: 65 minutes
Players: 10
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 50.6%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 49.4%


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Resigners and leavers do not deserve the rating change. Can their uncertainty be penalized without breaking the math?

Multiple lichos from southeast attempt to land on enemy landing pads, for example at minute 33 (probably earlier too)
+3 / -1

17 months ago
What does "deserve" have to do with anything?

If someone resigns a lot, causing their team to lose 2/3rds of the time they do their early resign, I would want this to be reflected in their ratings.
+1 / -0
Resigners and leavers do not deserve to have the ability to artificially keep their rating low by leaving games.
+0 / -0
Resigners and leavers do not deserve to have the ability to artificially keep their rating low by leaving games.
Or high.

If someone resigns a lot, causing their team to lose 2/3rds of the time they do their early resign, I would want this to be reflected in their ratings.
Now early (or other) resign is NOT reflected at all. If you were in a game it is like you played all the time. At extreme: if someone always resigns the first second, their ratings should not change at all, because the system has no information about them.

In would rephrase as "Resigners and leavers should not be assessed as if they played the whole game, but proportionally to time played" (and probably not in a linear way)
+0 / -0

17 months ago
What does "deserve" have to do with anything?

Essay topic: explore the concept of philosophical desert, its types, and the degree to which each type of desert aligns with a system-wide goal of keeping the rank-learned predictor accurate.
+1 / -0

17 months ago
This is either going to end up doing nothing if people do not care about their rating or this is going to create perverse incentives to sit around and do nothing once a player is done playing the game. At that point, you've just created a worse resign system.
+0 / -0
17 months ago
This is either going to end up doing nothing if people do not care about their rating or this is going to create perverse incentives to sit around and do nothing once a player is done playing the game. At that point, you've just created a worse resign system.
Why do you think people resign now? My impression is that most people are honest when resigning (they don't intend to gain in any way the system, they need to go, or rage quit, or honestly think battle has no chance).

Even today STAYING and doing almost nothing aligns better with the objective of some resigners (make game end faster) than letting someone else control your units. But people are not always logical...

And that does not include the most annoying: people that join game without realizing then just disconnect (I would not even call that resign), which makes the game "unblanced" but the rating system does not care a player played 5% of the game time (and yes, you could vote exit, but that does not always work, especially if there were previous votes exit)
+0 / -0

15 months ago
Multiple lichos from southeast attempt to land on enemy landing pads, for example at minute 33 (probably earlier too)

Thanks for posting the timestep. The Airplane Plant has a move order queued to the enemy corner of the map, and it even happens to be underneath an enemy air pad. The air player left about a minute ago and had this command queued. The player who ended up with the units has their own Airplane Plant so might not even be aware of the other one acting as a pad. In any case, the Likhos were not trying to land on the enemy pad, they were just following the rally point of the pad attached to the Airplane Plant.
+1 / -0