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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.11.10.0
Engine version: 105.1.1-1821-gaca6f20
Battle ID: 1743658
Started: 17 months ago
Duration: 66 minutes
Players: 32
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Won!
Chance of victory: 57.7%
XP gained: 51
GBrankTR1 died in 45 minutes
RUrankvitay died in 48 minutes
FRrankJizzleDog died in 20 minutes
Team 2 Lost
Chance of victory: 42.3%
XP gained: 42
GBrankBLaNKMiND died in 58 minutes
DErankPyrostasis died in 52 minutes
SErankcabrion died in 62 minutes
CNrankHistidineStar died in 66 minutes
CZrankSilent_AI died in 52 minutes
ROranksirpuffsallot1 died in 25 minutes
BErankAmpul died in 60 minutes
NLrankTweeki died in 61 minutes
USrankCColtManM died in 66 minutes
DErankTEPMUHATOP died in 51 minutes
DErankfxrs died in 60 minutes
USrankcnote68 died in 56 minutes
HUrankSutee died in 21 minutes
RUrankdot_dot died in 60 minutes
ATrankNanoPirate died in 66 minutes
MArankZEROxyz died in 19 minutes

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17 months ago
Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to this replay many more times in the near future to study it more deeply. This is an absolute masterpiece. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together Zero-K battle ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. Thank you so much to all the lobsters in this battle for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of gaming history. This was better than any movie i have ever watched. Watching this battle was a transcendent emotional experience. I am crying so hard right now. Look at how the perfect amount of porc was used at 29:14. Despite both sides being composed entirely of metal robots, this battle beautifully encapsulates the lobster struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a statement on what it means to be a lobster. I was brought to tears seeing the cloakbots go whirly swirly in a circle with the shieldbots countless times. It absolutely moved my soul , and I don't think I can ever be the same. The unit placement was impeccable at 35:40. This battle has changed my entire mental state. I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. I have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a lobster of a pacifist life. Not even to mention the most incredible part that is 12:10. The tanks, fighting to their deaths, made me tear up. How could gunships do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when spiders fight, showing their lightly metal covered skin. I can hear the crunch of their legs just from here and the beautiful sound of the plasma cannons and missiles flying through the air. These lobsters displayed so much skill at 58:52. And especially at 6:34, that part was just so truly heart touching, words cannot describe the series of emotions I felt. The strategy, passion, and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. I am crying. This has made me go through an emotional rollercoaster. You can really hear the metal footsteps of the jumpbots, empathizing their love for winning this battle. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any rover or airplane I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest battles from Zero-K I have ever seen, especially at 57:42. So much phenomal metal and energy management, so much suspense, so much greatness in this one battle. This battle has changed my life for the better. It really inspired me to become an outstanding young lobster. Thank you.
+1 / -0

17 months ago
nice. but is there a TLDR?
+0 / -0
17 months ago
TLDR: I was in tears after this battle. This battle was the best well put together story ever in existence. I can’t express how well made this battle was .You can't go through the whole battle without shedding a tear. And emotions felt at 6:34 just can't be explained. The climax was just so wonderful and breathtaking. It had insanely excellent detail and feelings. Oh, and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen playing a game in my entire life. Thank you so much for creating this absolute gorgeous of a masterpiece. This is by far the most important masterpiece of film history. This, for sure is the BEST movie known in existence. Such a sad feeling it is, that most people have never stumbled along this beautiful masterpiece. It perfectly encapsulates the ideas of a good game. It connects with the lobsters so much, and it's like the lobsters bring you inside of the movie. It's a classic and revolutionized the art of storytelling and should never be forgotten about. Such a beautifully made masterpiece. This is the most impactful battle I’ve come across in years, and I should re-watch it again to appreciate it again. This is an absolute masterpiece. I was in tears listening to this and seeing that cloakbot walk countless hours. It absolutely moved my soul , and I don't think I can ever be the same again. The duck walking has changed my view of life , I am now at peace with who I am and what what I should be. I just can't express my thanks for this breathtaking work of art. The duck is so inspirational, it shows us it's vast wisdom to anyone watching, and anyone watching is so lucky to have the experience that it would bestow it's great words with us. Wonderful Animation. Hail the shieldbots. Hail the tanks. The walking spiders, moving perfectly with the jumpbots... is just so amazing and tearful. How could a gunship have such a beautiful performance? I'm in awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the strider walks, showing us life. I can hear his metal footsteps just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the airplane's wings moving. The flavor, music and everything can be heard and seen from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the lobster artist, empathizing his love for this Zero-K battle. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any lobster I have ever watched or seen. The acting was top tier and very inspirational, way better than any actors of this generation. This is the greatest work from a lobster I have ever seen. This battle the best experience of the century. And I just can't express my thanks for this amazing battle. Thank you, Zero-K lobsters for this wonderful masterpiece of a battle.
+1 / -0
17 months ago
tl;dr;gpt: The user's comments are overwhelmingly positive and express deep appreciation for the content, describing it as a masterpiece, life-changing, and emotionally powerful.
+1 / -0
I am vividly remembering this same post posted before...
+0 / -0