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Title: Zero-K: All Welcome
Host: CZrankSpringiee
Game version: Zero-K v1.3.8.14
Engine version: 100.0
Battle ID: 374373
Started: 9 years ago
Duration: 23 minutes
Players: 21
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Lost
Chance of victory: 45.5%
XP gained: 53
DErankAdminmojjj died in 23 minutes
ILranknimor died in 23 minutes
USrankkaen died in 18 minutes
USranklilmojorisin died in 23 minutes
DErankChesti died in 23 minutes
UArankdahn died in 23 minutes
CArankShigee died in 23 minutes
UYrankWinKiller died in 23 minutes
NLrank[NC]Gretchen died in 23 minutes
DErankDASPOOT died in 23 minutes
Team 2 Won!
Chance of victory: 54.5%
XP gained: 62

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9 years ago
very funny seeing reefs being again and again be blastwinged to death. unfortunately they did plop faster reefs than UArankdahn blastwinged them.

fun aside, it was very frustrating to fight this sea, filled with subs/scallops and reefs when relinquishing anni/behe. there is no way to get into/under the sea when you cannot enter it or reef missle kill all statics with missles and all bowl bordering units with copters.

any strategical advice to fight this sea complex aside [suicide air, anni/behe/silo and random relyable blastshit] is appreciated.
+0 / -0
You can negate it by terraforming and concentrating your resources elsewhere. Serpents with sonar and support tend to kill anything submerged too. Claymores are a cheap solution.

BB and wyvern kill anything that sits atop the water.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
1) problem is you dont have sea access. so no serpents. i sit on top of a stiff cliff.

terraforming stays an attempt. they got more builders in the water and reef copters/missles disallow you to work on the terraform.
+0 / -0
Maybe: terraform a pond near the shore, make shipfac+sonar, spam sniper subs and some urchins, terra canal to the sea when ready.
For AA you need mobiles, but amph and hover AA kinda suck vs drones, maybe copperheads on surfboards are the way to go xoxo.
Or build up an army of halberds to snipe the reefs or other high value stuff, or an army of claymores to obliterate uw stuff.
Or maybe a well placed duckswarm. In any case you will need a big army and a focused attack.
Maybe reef is OP or its weaknesses are too easy to complement
+0 / -0
As someone who prefers Reef spam in FFAs I have some experience with being countered.
Berthas can kill Reefs from afar. Silo can too. Shockley missile is especially useful in ensuring they die and don't escape. Cloaked Cata(s) are pretty good at killing them. For really serious Reef spam, Ulti drop does wonders. I have lost a ball of 8 Reefs to it once...
As for other things like subs and scallops as long as they sit in sea you shouldn't worry. Just kill (or emp) the Reefs and then nuke the whole thing.
+1 / -0