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Title: GreaterTeams
Host: DErankChesti
Game version: Zero-K v1.5.2.5
Engine version: 103.0.1-529-gb68830c
Battle ID: 445297
Started: 8 years ago
Duration: 6 minutes
Players: 15
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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8 years ago
In this game we encounter:
- frontline Chainsaw rush by an air player
- idiot plopping a vech factory on an unpathable hill
- Flea spam against riots
- a Dijin rush (surprisingly effective!)
+1 / -2
8 years ago
+2 / -0

8 years ago
In this game we encounter:
- frontline Chainsaw rush by an air player
- idiot plopping a vech factory on an unpathable hill
- Flea spam against riots
- a Dijin rush (surprisingly effective!)

Welcome to teams PLrankOrfelius! :)
+3 / -0

8 years ago
You forgot: a raging nubmate
+0 / -1
8 years ago
Why Chainsaw over Cobra? Cobra is much cheaper and deals damage around the same as Chainsaw.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Why Chainsaw over Cobra? Cobra is much cheaper and deals damage around the same as Chainsaw.

Because chainsaw have more range then cobra and also missile homing. Also its bigger in size then cobra so enemy respect or fear from it more.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
It looks better too.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
Also, why is cobra cheaper than copperhead?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Because the sly tank dealer makes you pay extra for a tank that can actually move.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Copperhead also does 23% less DPS than cobra. Horrible ripoff.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
It's worse tho
+0 / -0