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Book thread

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10 years ago
Anyone here into books? What have you been reading lately?

I finally got around to finishing The Road. Not a fun read at all, but worth it if you like post apocalyptic stuff. It can be pretty difficult to understand at times because of the near-total lack of punctuation, but after a while the style becomes much easier to understand.
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10 years ago
Been endlessly rereading the Honor Harrington series because I have nothing better do do while at work/on the train. It's a fun mil-sci-fi read, despite the occasional political fails and David Weber's pizza ordering skills.

Just picked up C.S. Friedman's In Conquest Born from Amazon on a recommendation, but the Kindle app for Android isn't available in my country >:| This is fascism!
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I looked for some kind of lord of the rings substitute and finally found "the wheel of time" from robert jordan. warning: 14 book with approx. 12 k pages
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10 years ago
I've got a huge Pratchett backlog...
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Recently, i ran out of Iain M. Banks, and into an offline vacation.

So, despite a promise i gave to myself never to read Banks' non-scifi stuff (based upon hearing that his scifi stuff was abridged, and non-scifi Banks was severely brutal), i found and picked the first book by the author i could find on the library shelf: called A Song of Stone. By then i've had read most of Wasp Factory, and it didn't seem that nasty.

It was everything i feared to find in unabridged, non-scifi Banks. Very quickly it became so dark that it was hard to read. And then it became easier to read, because with each page i nurtured a hope that it would become less dark - because, surely, there couldn't be more waiting.

Of course, there was. It only got darker, mounting an additional layer of perversion and atrocity with each chapter.

In the end, it was pretty rewarding, though.

I think i actually liked it, if at least for being a literary adventure; something i didn't expect.
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10 years ago
the Kindle app for Android isn't available in my country >:| This is fascism!

What format do they come in? I've used FBReader in the past for .epub and it says it supports kindle books.
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I can confirm that FBReader takes .epubs. It has taken every format I've seen so far... It is the best ereader I have found for android.

Also, if you have lots of books, try Calibre. It makes transferring books to your phone/tablet pretty easy.
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EErankAdminAnarchid if you've read Surface Detail, then Wasp Factory isn't going to be that bad. Graphic depictions of a simulated hell.. it got a bit heavy at times. That guy clearly had a dark side. RIP.

Anything by Neil Gaiman. American Gods was great.
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10 years ago
In Surface Detail it's bad but it gets better, and i definitely loved the book's final line.
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10 years ago
Just finished Kim Stanley Robinson - 2312. Nice sci-fi about space and terraforming, although from the same author I would recommend much more the Mars trilogy.
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