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Dwarf Fortress succession game - Rigothtizot

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The world has been generated and the dwarves of this expedition have arrived at Rigòthtizöt, a savage wilderness with little soil, some iron ore, a river and WAR!

Each participant will have 1 week to manage the fortress for 1 year, starting and ending on Granite 1st.
No DFHack. Some DFHack plugins could cause the save file to be unusable by other players.

The current roster of exiled lunatics rulers is:

This thread will document all the disasters fun that befalls the fortress, be it dwarven engineering, giant animals or marauding orcs. It's time to strike the earth!
+4 / -0

10 years ago
Dat thread title... Oddly enough, it's only bugged on the thread page itself, the "Recent posts" section and the post editing section both aren't screwed by the encoding...
+1 / -0
Wohoo! It's neither freezing, scorching, nor evil, but at least we get a war.

Who is the civilization we're at war with? I see there are elves nearby, are they an Elf Hitler civ? Are there other neighbours?
+1 / -0
10 years ago
I demand a brief history look of our civ! From the legends ofcourse.
+2 / -0
Who is the civilization we're at war with? I see there are elves nearby, are they an Elf Hitler civ? Are there other neighbours?

Only goblins for now but I plan to declare war on any nearby elves asap.

I've dug a tunnel into the side of a hill at the bottom. It looks like farming will have to be done further up as it's mostly rock below the entrance level.

Side note: why are all the dwarves miserable on day 1?
+1 / -0
Only goblins for now but I plan to declare war on any nearby elves asap.

Which version have you used? I hope it's the one with fixed blitzkrieg, because of what i've seen, elven blitzkrieg is not anyhow less scary than goblin.

Side note: why are all the dwarves miserable on day 1?

Happiness is no longer a linear metric.... <3

I foresee a nice spiral before i even get to see what happens. Excellent.

Have you done any namings yet? Who are our dwarves?
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Which version have you used?

The world was generated on 40.15 but is currently being played on 40.16.
Have you done any namings yet? Who are our dwarves?

I named a miner after myself and appointed him Glorious Leader because egotism is bad but other than that it's all default names. We have:
TheSponge Idnosing - miner
Tosid Keloddom - miner
Nish Dastotodgub - woodcutter
Asen Kurdusim - woodcutter
Tobul Cattenabod - jewler
Olin Stigilnil - fish cleaner
Olon Itonsacat - fisherdwarf
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Why do i not see myself in the roster?
+1 / -0
Boo we got no Urist :\ and no Ravod too! Did you seriously get a fish cleaner? o_o I hope that we at least have some seeds for crops. Also dont tell me that you got us an anvil for the embark :|
+1 / -0
RUrankYogzototh I didn't know if you were still in. Added.
Did you seriously get a fish cleaner?

I've used fish as a primary food source in the past. A few fihermen and cleaners can feed a fortress of 200.

Slate 18th, year 550. The first farms are being planted and workshops are being built. Miners are finally working on a general stockpile.
[quote]Also dont tell me that you got us an anvil for the embark :|[/quote]
I got us an anvil for the embark.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Two woodcutters, no carpenters, no masons and no dedicated planter, your style is very different from mine :P
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Two woodcutters, no carpenters, no masons and no dedicated planter, your style is very different from mine :P

One of the woodcutters was a carpenter until I set him to chopping stuff down and one of the miners started as a mason, but I took 2 picks and only one dwarf with any mining skill. The embark profile was pretty much the default "play now" setup but with some alterations.
+1 / -0
Fair enough. Either way i only get to it on the third year.

Can i has the guy with most social skillz plz to reflect my awesome karmafarming power, and/or the guy with best appraiser and record keeper skills.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
I like to go with 1 woodcutter/axeman 1 carpenter 1 miner 1 mason/miner and 1 doctor as the last is hard do come by. I really hope we will get a decent doctor with one of the migration waves or at least a good candidate.
+1 / -0
Can i has the guy with most social skillz plz to reflect my awesome karmafarming power, and/or the guy with best appraiser and record keeper skills.

None of the dwarves have any social skills to speak of and I plan to train up some administrators in year 1 after the first migration wave arrives.

Workshops are up and furniture is being produced. Mining progress is slow because it's all rock. All the stuff necessary for steel production turned up very quickly.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
None of the dwarves have any social skills to speak of

This is ZK fortress indeed! :D
+7 / -0
Spring is finished and the fort is doing alright.
I'll be digging some offices, a dining room and bedrooms next. The entrance is probably going to need a drawbridge.

Hematite 23rd, year 550. Migrants! Unfortunately 2 of them are children and child slavery isn't allowed. The other 4 are a gem setter, 2 farmers and a weaver.
+3 / -0
10 years ago
Spring is finished and the fort is doing alright.

I would not be able to better describe the situation that our community is at the current moment. +1
+4 / -0
Galena 4th, year 550. The dining room, food stockpile and food related workshops are done. Now it just needs more tables.

Galena 12th, year 550. The bookkeeper/manager/broker has an office now and she's keeping a pretty accurate count of everything. I ordered bedrooms to be dug into the sides of a passage that goes to the farms but both carpenters are too busy making barrels to make beds. Food is running low so brewers are at work to produce plump helmet seeds.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Food is running low so brewers are at work to produce plump helmet seeds

Beware: brewing doesn't create seeds. It consumes them with the rest of the fruit/plant.
+1 / -0
Page of 12 (232 records)