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10 years ago
How do i pan the camera?
+0 / -0
Arrow keys, middle-mouse button, screen edge (will need to type "/grabinput" in chat first every game if you have multiple monitors for it to work on all edges), or click on minimap. That last one might require changing minimap settings first (space+click on minimap, change "Left-click behaviour").

I'm curious, what had you tried to do?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I am using a laptop, so I don't have a middle mouse button. Arrow keys move the camera, but the perspective is the same. How do i rotate the camera around a certain factory?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Try pressing alt and control with the arrow keys. Additionally, a wireless mouse is a handy acquisition for laptop-based players of RTS games.

I've tried playing with a touchpad and only being drunk prevented me from tearing my hair out.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
ctrl+arrow keys orbits around whatever object is at screen centre, alt+arrow keys rotates the camera like an FPS.
+0 / -0