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Alternate commander morph method

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10 years ago
Hive style:
Timer based-> no morphrushing
Timer penalty for building porc -> porccreeping commanders morph slower
Timer bonus for taking out mexes/porc -> promotes dynamic game-play

Timer penalties could activate for certain module combinations (for example stealth +d-gun or more than 2 of any identical module) if necessary for balance.

How does this sound?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
You forgot adding a dozen super complex formulas. 0/10, worst Neonstorming ever.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
You forgot adding a dozen super complex formulas

" Brevity is the soul of wit "

0/10, worst Neonstorming ever.

Possibly because Neonstoming was not the intention.

Therefore Skasi, I meh at thee [sfx: "meh.mp5"]
+1 / -0
10 years ago
What I was trying to say is that your idea is already very complex and not at all intuitive as is. As I understand it you want to unlock commander morph levels after a certain time has passed. You want to increase this timer for certain actions performed by the commander (or any unit?) and decrease it for others. In other words, you want to tell players how they should play by introducing new, very "artificial" limitations.
+5 / -0
10 years ago
Aha, actual objections, now we can make some progress.

Let me clarify.

My intend is to simplify rather than complicate,

First of all this would NOT be an unlock system on top of the other one (like wait x minutes to be able to morph) but rather a replacement (like wait x minutes and morph happens for free)

The timer modifiers would basically be:
-if you play aggressively the comm strengthens faster (because fighting requires strength)
-if you play tower-defence the comm strengthens slower (because hiding behind turrets does not require strength)

Since it creates a visible connection between the commander and the tactics used by the player it seems a lot more intuitive to me than manual morphing and removes the noobtrap aspect of spending metal on commanders as well as early-game trollcomms.

Or is there some hidden knot of complexity I still fail to notice?
+0 / -0
Giving a timer penalty to your automatic morph for building defenses is a very arbitrary rule. If defenses are problematic and make the game too static, then defenses should be nerfed or changed. Unintuitive rules to band-aid the problem are not a long-term solution.

Rules like that tend to be quite exploitable as well.

You could, for example, just keep your com back at home and it would morph faster than the other com pushing the front line, but occasionally plopping a turret or two to help with the push. You'd be rewarding passive play instead of aggressive, even when that aggression comes with turrets.

Or you could bring racketeers and constructors with your commander, use your com only to get mex and disarmed turret kills while your constructors plop defenses all around it (which can be hold fired when necessary to avoid getting last hits on mexes and turrets). Basically, your rules would bring last hitting from mobas into ZK where you have to make sure to get kills with the right units for optimal play. This would be the kind of tedious micromanagent that Zero-K tends to avoid.

There's also the problem that inexperienced players would probably be raged at quite a lot for not knowing or not exploiting all those rules.

I do agree that ZK could use to be more dynamic and less porcy. While unit balance seems to be in a decent spot with with very few exceptions (hi Swift), turret balance seems to have been ignored for the most part.
+0 / -0
Yeah this is way too complicated and introduces huge exploitable holes into the gameplay, especially if morphs are free (Basically free income).

Increasing morph time or or putting on XP requirements have both been suggested/tried. Comms used to morph much slower, this felt sort of tedious and Licho didn't like it but mandating that you can only spend a portion of your income on comm morphs is not an awful idea (It could even be a fixed proportion).

Any XP based system would make stay-at-home comms unable to morph, but you could reward XP for other activities (such as using their buildpower, but then you'd have to subtract it for reclaiming, otherwise you could just build and reclaim to give your comm XP: Though I guess you'd lose money that way). You have to look at the exact behaviour that any system actually encourages.

Slowing down morph rushing does let us make comms slightly more powerful, as they never take emphasis away from unit play, but if it starts to become the case that you -always- want to press that morph button ASAP, that does take away the choice to stay at level 0 and make units.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Lauri, I never said only actions performed by the commander are taken into account, the morph speed is meant to reflect overall tactics (like the hive anger thing) not commander micro.

The only way to obtain a significant morph advantage would be by destroying large numbers of opposing defences and/or mexes without relying on statics yourself and without loosing mexes, and if you can do that you probably winning already or playing against a turtler attempting to prolong the game.

As for newbs being raged at, again, considering they way to morph faster is to have units on the frontline doing damage rather than at the back building stardusts behind solars... the only difference to the present would be that others could give them one more example of why they are using poor tactics.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Then you have to self-d mexes to deny comm morph XP to the enemy.

The system you're designing does not incentivize the sort of behaviour you expect it to. The only behaviour we need to incentivize is to spend enough of your economy on units rather than comms: IE, playing the game.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
The only behaviour we need to incentivize is to spend enough of your economy on units rather than comms: IE, playing the game.

This is what I am aiming for, this is why this system does not involve resources for the comm (and thus needs no morph button) and rewards the making and proper use of units.

Then you have to self-d mexes to deny comm morph XP to the enemy.

An individual mex only alters the total morphtime by a small amount and you still take the penalty for loosing it as well as actually loosing it, admittedly being able to self-d any doomed mex just before being taken down forcibly would slightly delay opponent morphing but this seems like epic micro territory and epic micro is a huge modifier when applied to anything in zero-k

Self-d behaviour could be made redundant by further simplifying the system via removing bonuses and only having penalties -for lost mexes and built defences for example- the side effect of this method would be that you would know no commander can achieve level x before y amount of time has passed (not sure if this is good or bad but it would certainly simplify module balance at least).

+0 / -0
Current system already produces such "timers" in a soft way based on existing mechanics.

There is a "base" timer - not done arbitrarily, but as a function of morph cost, BP and Commander innate income.

You get a penalty to the "timer" by building porc - as you can devote less metal to the morph due to spending.
Likewise you get a bonus for building mexes and energy.

You get a bonus for killing enemy stuff - through reclaim. Killing enemy mexes additionally delays enemy response, so while not directly reducing the timer, you change the reference point with a similar result.
+1 / -0