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Pit Chasm v 1.02

By Alcur

A rather simple map without geothermal vents that utilizes Map Blueprint by jK (https://github.com/jk3064). It has been designed and tested with Zero-K in mind which means other Spring games may be somewhat incompatible. Thanks to Shadowfury333, Anarchi
Size: 14 x 14


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10 years ago
This map seems like a good start. However, I noticed a few issues.

1: This map has a lot of mex.
2: Seemed a bit bland. Could use trees or something.
3: Shallow water in the center could also reduce the monotony. Maybe even a lake near map edge.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Perhaps the texture could be made more appealing as well.

Thanks for the feedback. :)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
yea thx to Anarchi !
+1 / -0
Not my fault the website cuts off the description. :)

The full one and other information is available at springfiles.com.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I think that map has quite decent layout and is a nice break to deltasiege-esqe maps in ZK :)
The metal spot textures could be smaller though as these are way too big for ZK and for any other Spring game as well for that matter.
Texture could very well be changed.
+0 / -0
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