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this game is void of players.

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9 years ago
soo bad. i love to play this game because so much in depth tactics in battlefield. but the game itself have low players on it.

zero - k didnt have more than 20 players, sometimes nobody there :/
+3 / -0
9 years ago
It's all becsaue you're an upside-down poland.
+3 / -0
9 years ago
Meh. Low population due to spring break (probably). The regulars should be back eventually.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Soon the skiing season will be over and I will have time again in the weekend :)
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Skiing season.. Gah, he haven't had any snow in poor polan this winter.. :c
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Is that Indonesian or Monaco flag?
+0 / -0
You can always blame Firepluk!
I'm here to absorb your rage
+2 / -0

in all seriousness ZK activity does tend to come and go somewhat arbitrarily

+4 / -0
But its 100% true
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Failer is right, Indonesia time zone is usually empty
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Could we get tooltips on the flags? I'm from Canada, we're a little fuzzy on the concept of "the rest of the world" here.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Where is Canada?
+1 / -0

9 years ago
I just click 'open in another tab' on flag images, the 2 letters usually is enough to decipher
+2 / -0

9 years ago
It's kind of like this for west coast Americans too (on the week days at least).

20 players is actually pretty good for Zero-K, and most open source games in general.

The best way to get more players in your time zone is to tell some friends about ZK :)
+3 / -0
Personally I would have played a bit if not lobby separation thingy since I dont see now any zk games since I dont want to use zkl.

This whole separation thing I think is kinda selfish in my view.
+1 / -0
since I dont want to use zkl.

You can then join the light side (linux only) or the dark side (beta, manual downloads only).
+0 / -0

9 years ago
there is flobby pikts wolas
+0 / -0
wolas problem is not so much server split than it is ZKL being a terrible client, I can relate, ZKL always has been my biggest deterrent for this game

update it already pls
+1 / -0
9 years ago
I'd be using the beta version of ZKL from the welcome_screen(I think that's the one that has it) branch in github if I knew how to compile it. I just want some quick instructions ("use Visual C from 20XX" even and I can google the rest) or a binary package that I can run on windows (I don't expect good mono support, so if I use linux again I'll just use flobby or ReactJS Weblobby)
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Quick instructions:

1) download source codes (click "clone in desktop" on this screen https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Infrastructure/tree/welcome_screen ) - with github for windows installed

2) download visual studio 2013 community edition (its free) https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/products/visual-studio-community-vs.aspx

3) open zero-k.sln

4) right click on "ZeroKLobby" and select "make this a startup project"

5) find and open GlobalConst.cs and modify line 34. Change from Mode

ModeType.Local; to Mode


6) Hit F5

Thats it.

+1 / -0
Page of 4 (61 records)