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Circuit AI (Skirmish)

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CircuitAI - alternative skirmish AI.
It's still WIP, yet has such features like energy-grid construction, big roaches use (aka singus) or ability to play on any ground with any factory that on pair with CAI-ally may affect usual gameplay.
+23 / -0
Could be powerful when replacing one CAI in the CCR macro challenge.

Did you already think about merging this with CAI? Would that even be an option?
+0 / -0
CSI > ZKGBAI > Circuit AI > CAI > NullAI
+0 / -0
Did you already think about merging this with CAI? Would that even be an option?

"Hmm, C++ interface AI and a Lua Gadget AI, let's merge them"

Lord Muffe's AI > ZKGBAI > Circuit AI > CAI > NullAI

I haven't had the chance to run ZKGBAI vs CircuitAI yet. Last i've heard, CSI should plow through both of these, however.

Are you confusing LordMuffe with DeinFreund?

unique features like energy-grid construction .. sniper spam

Hardly unique! :P
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Indeed I did confuse Muffe and DeinFreund. The same as I confuse ikinz and kmar or Faelthas and Flipstip.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
How could you confuse Failthas with Winstip?
+4 / -0
FIranksprang PLrankAdminSprung PLrankSpreng DErankspring anyone?
Wait that's off topic!

Uuuh, so how's the LUA rewrite going? I want to see ALL THE AIS MERGED to take over a top10 spot!
+0 / -0
CSI > ZKGBAI > Circuit AI > CAI > NullAI

I think it's CSI > ZKGBAI > CAI > CircuitAI > NullAI. CircuitAI can't stand against coordinated attacks. It has chance to win only on small maps (or when other ai stuck) because it quickly fills the whole map with units.
(Is CSI a fork from ZKMBAI? Din't see it in action, although pathfinder and threat-maps on my todo list.)

Hardly unique! :P

Ok, my bad. ZKMBAI and ZKGBAI had grids before my implementation. I'll just remove that unique "unique" from OP.

Did you already think about merging this with CAI? Would that even be an option?

Well algorithms/ideas could be translated into lua eventually. But i can't imagine it right now. Also boost's library components were used (Voronoi, Spatial tree, Graph) and multi-threading (probably not in most efficient way) that should be reimplemented or simplified in lua. And i don't know how memory-greedy CircuitAI is, never counted it.
Therefore i don't consider merging with CAI as an option (at least not until CircuitAI v1.0, if it ever happens).
+0 / -0
One major goal of package in OP is to test Windows' release. I thought compiling for windoze would be much unintuitive. But some good person wrote the guide, and it appears as simple as that (though mingwlibs' boost had issues, replaced it).

EDIT: Found out that cross-compiling AI from linux to windows works too.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
(Is CSI a fork from ZKMBAI? Din't see it in action, although pathfinder and threat-maps on my todo list.)

It's a rewrite rather than a fork, with even more focus on tactics. This time DF got them sufficiently right that eco doesn't let KGB get away.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Hmm, C++ interface AI and a Lua Gadget AI, let's merge them

Algorithms stay the same between languages. Sure, you can't bluntly copypaste, but it is definitely possible to port anything of interest.
+0 / -0
Very good AI to play against!

My critique of Circuit AI:

•Does not know how to spend loads of money
---Suggested behavior: make CircuitAI build excessive numbers of caretakers near the factory, set to low priority to prevent missappropriation, and/or, CircuitAI set engineers or new caretakers to guard-assist allied factories.

•Does not reclaim enough wrecks
---Suggested behavior: more engineers constructed to have more available engineers to dedicate for reclaim, or, make CircuitAI queue caretaker chains from mex to mex, or any other pattern to eventually cover everything within reclaim range of a caretaker.

•Builds no new factories
---No suggestions.

•Suicide units with no retreat
---No suggesions
+1 / -0

9 years ago
where can I get a copy of all the ais to try?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Formerly answered here.

Not included in that post are procurement manuals for CSI and CircuitAI.

CircuitAI's download link is actually in the OP.

CSI will have to be compiled manually, and its latest version (capable of using more factories) is actually not available at all (DeinFreund didn't push it to repo for some reason)
+0 / -0

9 years ago
source code isn't what I was looking for
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Just try looking slightly harder then ;)
+0 / -0

9 years ago
CSI > ZKGBAI > Circuit AI > CAI > NullAI

This is too simplified. CSI utterly loses to any AI capable of defending itself at the beginning. CAI beats all other AIs on sea maps. ZKMBAI regularly beats CSI, while losing sometimes to ZKGBAI which is easily rushed by CSI.

You could kind of reason it with AI-elonz, if there was any such system :(

DeinFreund didn't push it to repo for some reason

Uh.. Still needs some work. I pushed it anyway to break whatever has been working beforehand. Prepare for scythespam and sniperrush.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
In an ideal future, there would be one AI bot you add to a game - and it randomly selects one of the different AIs to insert into game. unpredictable AI opponents FTW.
+3 / -0

9 years ago
There was once a plan to do something like that:
and my follow up

Maybe I'll work on that again, depending on user/my interest, but not planned in the near future.
+0 / -0
Promoted Circuit to 0.7.
In battles vs CAI it feels pretty confident.
Sad that CSI or ZKGBAI doesn't have public release, can't test them.

Anyway, Circuit got raiding capabilities and should make life of opponents more interesting.
Hardcore (cheating) mode available, but only with dev version of the engine (101.0)
+1 / -0
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