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Insults from administrator

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I just want to bring this up, I've reported him multiple times but still no official reaction from admin community.
Imo his behavior is not appropriate for an administrator.

My last report:

Rude behavior and insults in mental disabilities which is inappropriate for administrator.

chat log:

battle replay:

This is not the first time he allows himself such kind of talks.
+0 / -1
Recently @mojj was de-admined for a silly pics on forum
which WAS not deserved IMO

Now I suggest to go to DErankChesti profile page and investigate my last reports against him...
+0 / -0
9 years ago
You have to be very calm times!
+1 / -0
9 years ago
This happened today as well:

[22:08] [I]burp won a few games
[22:08] Fearsnip3 !y
[22:08] Shamanpluk !y
[22:08] Firepluk [I]burp: http://zero-k.info/Users/Detail/185685
[22:09] multirotor !y
[22:09] Alcur !n
[22:09] Shamanpluk thx
[22:09] Firepluk look at my page
[22:09] MatthewGB !y
[22:09] Firepluk !y
[22:09] Firepluk dat loose streak
[22:09] [I]burp LOL
[22:09] Firepluk stronk
[22:09] pizza123 !y
[22:09] Chesti what profile is it on that gay site again Firepluk?
[22:09] Sinoe !y
[22:09] Anir !y

I thought being an administrator enforces you to follow some rules and give an example to community
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I love you today reportet already 3 times, and it is not yet happening, you're right, the admins should wake up times.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
The admin team is currently experiencing a large problem with its banhammer wielding efficiency[Spoiler]
+3 / -0
I suggest voluntary help, PLrankAdminSprung
You can always count on Firepluk ;D
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Vote Firepluk for Admin!

+5 / -1
In my honest opinion, there should be some change around here. Having admins that actually arbitrate disturbances and enforce a peaceful and non-hostile environment.

I should not come on and get !kicked for "speccheating" when I'm not even part of a game or saying anything remotely near speccheating (EG: Voicing an opinion on something that doesn't even remotely concern the game). Really, this is out of hand. Nobody seems to want to do actual admin work and investigate reports. You can't even keep 40 some people under control.. I can hardly imagine 100+. Someone's got to start working on the community image and actually enforcing a peaceful environment.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
there should be some change around here

You're going to have to act if you want to live in a different world.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
From my experience, you only get bothered by admins if you bother everyone over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over....and over.
+9 / -0
9 years ago
so USrankFealthas are you saying hidden and not so hidden insults from member of admin community is accepted behavior?
We're going far with such way of thinking
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Takes admin right from last funny admin? Nuuu...
Or Firepluk is now too old or what.. Troll doubt admin behavior? Troll takes serious word tussle? :D :D
You can may drop stone on other person if you are withouth fault but troll still is troll. :D

+0 / -1

9 years ago
Maybe Chesti just see too much Firepluk games in that day? :D :D
+3 / -0
9 years ago
Admins aren't robots - they're human beings. I'm fairly certain you can quip at someone whose whole purpose that entire night had been to screw up the team games.
+0 / -0
I'm fairly certain you can quip at someone whose whole purpose that entire night had been to screw up the team games.

Imagine football judge (?) giving yellow (and red) cards to only one team, ignoring the other one just becasue...
+2 / -0
Proposal: after 25 punishments, an account so stricken gets a "recidivist" pluk tag which causes any reports filed against said person by anyone to immediately activate a one-day (non-cumulative) ban for lobby, site, and forum with the default text of "being john malkovich".

So they are thus not stricken in any rights just as long as they don't annoy anyone.
+5 / -2
9 years ago
PLrankFailer Your analogy is that one troll is a team and the rest of the server is the other team?
+0 / -0

Imagine football judge (?) giving yellow (and red) cards to only one team, ignoring the other one just becasue...

Yes there is a point here.
Imo admins should be fraudable! A money should decide who has advantage and who does not as it functions in most sports.
+1 / -0
Okay, this analogy was not proper. I've got a better one:

Imagine court judge poking fun at you becsaue you had stole a (lot of) cookie(s) some time ago.
+1 / -0
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