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New Master of Orion reboot won't be free-to-play

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9 years ago

Given that Wargaming acquired the rights to Total Annihilation at the same time they picked up the Master of Orion rights, it is likely we would get a non free-to-play Total Annihilation sequel too. Hope Chris Taylor and his guys won't screw it up.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
See: Supreme Commander 2.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
There's Freeorion so who cares?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Anyone who has played freeOrion cares.
+4 / -0
9 years ago
bet they gonna screw up royally.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
its been a long, long time since I had any expectations of commercial games.
+0 / -0
USrankFealthas wut? I don't. Elalalaborate!
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Your comment implies that people wont care because free orion is an alternative. However anyone who has played free orion sees how bad it is and starts caring about a new release.
+0 / -0
Shush it's awesome if anything.

MoO3 was awful. Haven't played the other two.
+0 / -0
SupCom 2 was developed under pretty limited time and budget and having a console version (which is probably not GPG's decision), yet it still managed to bring useful innovations like neural network AI and flow field pathing into the RTS genre, I'd say it is not that much of a failure.
+1 / -0
MoO3 was awful. Haven't played the other two.

Moo3... oh dear, how I wanted that to be good. The concept of a game you play through higher-level automation isn't even a bad one, as long as you don't totally mess up the high-level tools like they did. I have heard of mods which make the game at least playable.

I played a game of Master of Orion 1 earlier this week actually. (Still not finished... got stuck in a Final War against the rest of the galaxy which I believe is winnable, but it's gonna take a while. Damn Darlok diplomatic penalties.)

Even now MoO 1 is a good game (if antiquated), the depth of strategy compares reasonably to recent games in its genre (GalCiv, Endless Space, etc.) and its interface is a lot less contrived.

Then again, I learned to love strategy games as a young bub on MoO and Civ 1, so maybe I have the nostalgia glasses on.

I tried FreeOrion a while ago, but it was a prototype at best at the time.

I'm hoping that a MoO reboot is as good as Age of Wonders was as a "sequel" to Master of Magic. Hoping for an XCom class reboot EDIT: reboot of the quality of XCOM would be too much, but I suppose you never know.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
MoO 2 was extremely popular in Russia back in the day, almost on the same level as HoMM2/3.
You can be sure the studio bought the rights because someone in it got very excited about being able to do a remake of their favourite old game.

You can be sure the game will be treated with love, but it might fail due to budget or devteam incompetence.

MoO3 was awful. Haven't played the other two.

Yeah, me neither. I probably would would if i found it in a shop, but i never did.

My main problem with MoO3 was the absolutely dysfunctional AI.

The economy was also completely broken but it the complete abundance of every resource just meant i could ignore it altogether.

I really loved the diplomacy screen with animated and voiced alien diplomats, the ship designer was pretty cool, and the space battles, while ugly, were actually pretty cool just due to their scale.
+0 / -0
Hoping for an XCom class reboot would be too much, but I suppose you never know.

Why don't you enjoy UFO:AI? (besides the lack of destroyable terrain and saving)
+1 / -0
Why don't you enjoy UFO:AI? (besides the lack of destroyable terrain and saving)

Haven't played it; barely even heard of it. I don't have time to play everything.

Not sure why that's related to how much I enjoyed the "official" XCom reboot, either. (Which, if it wasn't already clear, I enjoyed a lot.)
+0 / -0
9 years ago
You mean Enemy Unknown? Ugh that was awful. :P
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I'm not sure if you're serious, you're just that partial to open-source games, or you're joking.
+0 / -0
No really, Enemy Unknown was awful. Yes not as awful as some other versions of the game (eg UFO: Extraterrestrials), but still. Broken mechanics like some Aliens not taking action until you get close enough or shoot them comes to mind, or annoying combat cutscenes. If I remember correct there were cover being calculated super-weird/unintuitive and visual models not properly matching the models used for hit/miss chances is a big issue as well. All in all the game was probably just dumbed down too much, perhaps exactly because it is commercial though.

Most of the games I play do seem to be commercial ones, so all this is probably not because of a strict preference for open source games that I have.
+0 / -0
MoO 3 had:
Stupid automation (the game basically played itself) and not using this automation meant enormous micro managment.
It's battle system was dull and buggy.
AI was dumb and because of this the diplomacy was stupid as well.

In short words: don't judge the series on that awful game. MoO 2 is (in many people's eyes including mine) the best 4x game ever created. Like seriously go play it.

Hoping for an XCom class reboot would be too much, but I suppose you never know.

Look up Xenonauts! It is basically UFO defense +++
It is a really good game though you might want to install a map pack since maps can get a bit repeaterive after a while. Oh and I agree with Skasi XCOM: Enemy Unknown was quite disappointing but on the other hand it is just a different game (which is fine in its own right).
+0 / -0
9 years ago
UFO:AI is pretty great imo, largely better than xcom (didnt play ufo). it has some flaws and balancing issues (like alien weapons being generally not as good as beefed up human stuff), but overall, def worth a try if you like the original games.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I suppose I should explain:
UFO: Enemy Unknown = X-COM UFO defense <- old game
XCOM: Enemy Unknown <- reboot
+0 / -0
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