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Ground unit should not be attacked by air

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9 years ago
In the attack there is the attacker (lets say the units group A) and the attackee (lets say unit group B). I am making the case for the logical argument that A + B

C does not equal A

C !!. Therefore when the attack does come, and air attacks ground that kills enemy ground, it should not be automatic that enemy air kills.
This is logical fallacy,!:;/.
+2 / -4
Could you try to say that again using different words and elaborate a bit? Maybe give an example?
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Neon smurf?
+8 / -0
wb i missed you so much! dont let you discourage by these silly peasants! do your thing!
+1 / -0
I kind of want to upvote the OP because this thread made me laugh...
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I think he means that tank weapons (heavy, anti-ground) like the reaper's should not shoot air automatically. Maybe because in reality it would be hard to hit air with weapons like that.

I think we just need bombers to be fast enough on the dive so that most reaper shots miss them.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Actually he's right! Air should not be able to hit water becasue groudn cannot hit fire! And my fridge is stading by a door becsaue it is white.
+6 / -0