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Tip to beat 2 cais

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9 years ago
As all of you people know, I SUCK at zero-k (for unknown reasons). I managed to beat 1 cai in 30 min (by spamming defences and then push forward with a spam of rokos and glaivs).

However, this trick doesn't work with 2 cais.
I always die when I play against 2 cais.

Any tips?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
+1 / -0
Rush one with some cheese tactic, then play the rest of the game vs only 1 CAI.
+3 / -0
Defenses probably still work.

However, you can beat 2 or even more CAIs without them. Regular expanding, raiding and unit spam works if you do it well enough. No special tricks needed, just practice.

Rafal's suggested rush tactic is probably the easiest though.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
The strategy for win vs more cai is: Make a base for metal, ernergy and fac.
And porc this with ddms and anys. To defence the base without ddms and anys make rockos or recluse .... and so on. :) I know this is a outlaw-way for
winning vs more cais. But I loose by expanding. :(
If you have save the base by porcing you can do heavy strider used to strike the enemys.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Build multiple unpowered DDM just for the OP efficency/range of DDM heat ray.
Build Sneaky Pete for radar jamming the CAI artillery (turn off cloak field)
Build Eco and Reclaim wrecks and repair DDM's.
Spam Snipers on fight order towards the CAI.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
ill try all your tips :P
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Eco into slasher spam.
+1 / -0
9 years ago

I beat them up in 90 minutes :P
Crashed spring in the end (from energy chizle
+0 / -0
9 years ago
The way I did it ( and for the record, I can beat 3cai's on ccr aka the ccr macro challenge)
Win 1v1 on titan duel in <10 min
Pick any com (not battle not siege) and lveh fac, build 2 first mexes, 3 solars and a defender/lotus, then move forward while capping mexes and putting at least one solar next to them, sometimes llt (also, put com on high prio). Meanwhile make two darts for scouting, then repeat 3 scorchers+ 1 mason. Scout from two angles with darts, try to keep them alive. Try to kill windgens and close solars, then prevent defense from going up and kill mexes. Try to get ykur scorchers in there asap. With the scorchers, try to kill all builders and eco. If the com is weak (no riot gun, not battle or strike) try to dive it with scorchers, otherwise retreat. Try to get your first mason to expand to one side, put a solar next to each mex, and sometimes a lotus. Second mason should build some sars in the base, then caretaker, llt, solars, caretaker, fusion, caretakers...
When scorchers get less effective, which is soon, repeat 1 leveler + 2/3 ravager + 1mason.

Next match, try to do the same, but give the cai a chance by not raiding it to hard in the first 2mins, focus more on eco and defending with your scorchers.

If this gets easy, try to do the same on other maps and/or two cai's.
Finally move to ccr against 3 cai's or even the ccr macro challenge. By this time you should have 1800-2000 elo.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
duh, just spam caretakers and ddms... I think you can win vs 10+ cais this way if you hold till the first ddm ^^
+0 / -0
9 years ago
duh, just spam caretakers and ddms... I think you can win vs 10+ cais this way if you hold till the first ddm ^^

+0 / -0

9 years ago

duh, just spam caretakers and ddms... I think you can win vs 10+ cais this way if you hold till the first ddm ^^


Best I can do is eight after multiple attempts T-T

Far more than that if not on CCR though.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Maybe try the same on a flat map. I think CAI has disadvantage on non flat maps like on ravaged.
Too many hills and water holes.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Terraform is the ultimate unbeatable dick move vs AI.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Need to mix in some of the other ZK AIs
+0 / -0
None of the other AIs solved terraforming yet. The cheap option - getting air - is also easy for player to shutdown given the sheer power of static AA.

What remains are superweapons and spiders/jumpers.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
My prefered strategy is Stinger-crawling.Build a Stinger every step and a caretaker(or a con) to repair and reclaim.AI just keeps suiciding it's units.Later you can start building DDMs and Behe.
+0 / -0
If you're lucky with enemy defense placements/coms you can kind of rush down 2-4 AIs pretty easily. Even without going all in that much. They can't handle the raider game other than through porc and diffusing random units into your general direction, so if you can get the drop on them (not literally), you're in good shape.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
on 8x8/10x10 map u can go gs and win 2 cais only with blastwings if properly microed
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