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EvoRTS-New_Iammas-v05 Featured

By KaiserJ

Size: 18 x 12


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11 years ago
Re-featured v12 required spring features
+0 / -0
Remove fake terrain shadows pls. The black "clouds" west of every terrain feature look awful.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Is this map still featured? Haven't seen it for ages and it looks pretty good IMO
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Good news! You can now answer the question yourself easier than ever before.
+2 / -0
What Skasi is trying to say, though it may not have got past his compulsion for sarcastic dismissal, is "yes".

Also, that the star next to the name of the map at the top of this page signifies that.
+0 / -0
Um no. What I was really trying to say was actually:
Good news! You can now answer the question yourself easier than ever before.

This was because a feature I mentioned in this thread and later asked feedback for in another thread finally made it onto the actual server just a few minutes before my post. Too bad you only noticed that (or at least felt the need to share this information) after writing your initial response.

You gotta know, I really like it when people are able to answer their own questions in an instant without having to ask other people for help and wait for a response. That's why I went out of my way and wrote (actually mostly copy+pasted) code to add a feature that was needed. That's also why I helped writing and expanding some parts of the (now sadly rather outdated) manual.

Not sure where you see "dismissal". [honk]Then again you're Australian so you see everything here upside down.[/honk]
+0 / -0
Well, it's not as though you yourself explained how ElTorero could "answer the question ...easier than ever before". Since he's asking the question he obviously doesn't know or remember how to find out for himself - and the only actual purpose which your post served was to demonstrate that you knew how and were flaunting that rather than actually saying, in any sense, how to do it.

"Dismissal" was perhaps the wrong word, but the right word would be much less polite.

The racism (?) is duly noted, your own personal derpy sarcasm tags or not. [Spoiler]
+0 / -0
Since he's asking the question he obviously doesn't know or remember how to find out for himself

Or maybe it just so happened that ESrankElTorero asked the question approximately 1 hour, 1 minute and 59 seconds before the new shiny feature was released.

you knew how and were flaunting

Or maybe I was just trying to surprise someone? I like to think I know ESrankElTorero enough to say that my post would never have been perceived offensive and I predict that they at least smirk after discovering the new Featured-tag on their own. Of course I would've answered the question myself and explained everything once I noticed that this change wasn't seen, it's not like the information that was inquired was super critical and couldn't be postponed a bit.
+0 / -0
Person A: "Can someone help me by answering my question?"
Person B: "Oh, it'll be such a surprise when you find out!"


+0 / -0
9 years ago
+1 / -0
Let's derail your sad clown party and reduce it to mere boring constructive discussion.

ESrankElTorero : you have not been seeing this map for a long time because, while featured, it is not marked for 1v1, and is probably too large to be automatically picked in small teams without 1v1 tag.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Back to boring things then..
unfeature this map and feature New Iammas v12 instead!
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I know ESrankNapoleonElTorero enough to say that my post would never have been perceived offensive

One does not simply get offended by skasi
+1 / -0
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