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13 posts, 623 views
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9 years ago
Can anyone look at this replay:


And tell me anything I could improve on to get better? Im trying to make a effort to get my elo up.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Well you might want to start by...you know...playing 1v1.
+4 / -0

9 years ago
lol theres no elo for chickens

post an actual replay if you want people to tell you why you suck
+0 / -0
Human beings usually learn from failing, and the more it stings the better you learn.
The ATrankhokomoko method for getting better:
1) Play against someone significantly better.
2) Watch the replay and take notes of how they played.
3) Imitate their way of playing in the next game.
4) Rinse and repeat.

And remember, if your Elo is going up you aren't learning hard enough.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Thanks guys. Also, USrankFealthas might want to sound more like hes not trying to drag players into the 1v1 room.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
except he is
improvement is pretty much synonymous with being dragged into the 1v1 room
+6 / -0
9 years ago
You excess 35300 metal. Get more energy and build power and spend all of it.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
One main problem I seem to have is that once my com has left base, I can't really seem to get anything to help base unless any cons are floating around. Is there some way to fix this?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
if you have metal surplus build nano turrets, in any situation

it is like golden rule
+1 / -0

9 years ago
One main problem I seem to have is that once my com has left base, I can't really seem to get anything to help base unless any cons are floating around. Is there some way to fix this?

The answer is already in the question.

To make it more clear:
Put a con in your queue. (1/4-1/5 of your metal value in cons is a sane ratio)
+0 / -0
Leave your comm in your base. Take eco comm and make sure you do not excess metal or estall. I consider taking your comm out of base only necessary at 1800+ elo. Below that people just dont eco well enough to actually not negate their comm advantage with bad eco management.

If you look at alot of my old replays, before I broke top10, hovering in t20, I always kept my comm in base. It's how I learned the game. Not having to pay attention to your comm all the time is nice. It is not the ideal strategy, but the idea here is to learn, not to be top10 automagically.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Personally I do 1 con and 3-5 raiders on repeat in the early game. Make sure to make solars with your early mex, 1-1,5 solars per mex. Usually your second or third con should be dedicated to making energy and caretakers in your base.
+1 / -0
9 years ago

1v1 with CArankStumi
+0 / -0