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Is there meta-room for new subs in the sea factory?

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9 years ago

I propose a sea factory submarine that is equivalent to the Flea, yet where Flea is land-locked, this new sub is sea-locked and always submerged, insuring that this new sub is not overlapping roles with any other scouting-type unit.

I would call it the Shrimp.

It would allow for scouting action in the submarine dimension for more engaging experiences in the submarine dimension before the first minute mark.

It should make the sea experience more fun, more fast paced.

+0 / -0

9 years ago
There is not nearly enough riot-power underwater for an ultra-low-weight scout.
+0 / -0

then maybe all underwater sea units should be surface units, and all "sub" units should actually be cloaked to simulate being submerged?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I would call it the Shrimp.

I demand a new unit called Lobster!
+6 / -0
9 years ago
that sounds like it would overlap with skeeter, which no one seems to use
+1 / -0

9 years ago
More underwater combat is sort of not what we need. There is already too much. Always surfacing is not a bad idea though.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
What about that suicide sub
+1 / -0

9 years ago
YES! We need a sea based roach!

+0 / -0
9 years ago
I would suggest name plankton :P

Also, we should give it mini torp launcher
+0 / -0
YES! We need a sea based roach!

I wanted swimming or amph Roaches for more than three years now.
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9 years ago
we need an octopus
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9 years ago
My octopus would be an underwater sea based cloaker.
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9 years ago
why not make roach and tick amphibious anyway? well idk might not work but i think it sounds cool and BA has it for since forever and its a great counter to BA sea spam so maybe even reef spam would have another bane
+0 / -0

9 years ago
UW roach doesnt work so well with surface targets on deep maps. At least from experience..
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