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9 years ago
im asking for opstuff like the nebula carrier. Cheats and stuff
+0 / -1

9 years ago
opest shit in the game
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Yeah thats what im asked for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+0 / -1

9 years ago
OP stuff is micro and macro skills. And strategy. When you learn it then you dont need nebula or something like that.
+0 / -0
op can be critical intel from a flea.. or providing an area cloak to a teammates army of bandits
heavy units can loose games if they are killed and reclaimed by a elite enemy

fellon is good but alone it dies to a crab

but if crab is alone it dies to a litch
but if litch is alone it dies to a screamer
but if screamer is alone it dies to a scythe

so.. if the unit is alone it dies to a huge number of counters
but if its in an army its hard to counter

even mass single unit spam will still (mostly) have the units weakness..
ie. mass reaper hv tanks can still be countered by glaves

so when you find a strong unit make sure you mix in a few other units so your army has aa, repair/reclaim, range, riot.. even speed is often as important as hit-points for surviving and countering ranged or quick units.

the only truly op units are striders and a few others like krow, goli, sumo, grizz.. and even so i would recommend you only use them on front-line until you know how to use them to push as even they can be suddenly killed.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
What are Micro and Macro Skills ???? ( Herne in Game)??????
+0 / -0
micro - active dynamic involvement
macro - list of protocol orders

micro is controlling a unit in real-time such as to dodge attacks
macro is queuing up commands to efficiently utilize all the units without the need for micro

macro eg. making sure all your cons have a list of orders building what your in need of getting.. like energy metal or units.. the simplest macro is guard command..

a simple micro eg. changing a units 'fight' orders so as to escape the danger zone of a hlt
+0 / -0
if you want a noob friendly low micro mix thats hard to beat but easy to use.. play a large team game and start behind a front player then go shields

aim to eventually get 2 felons (get the first fellon asap after a dozen bandits and a convict) a mix of all other shield units, (but not roach or you might blow yourself up)

expand with defender turrets and claim mex .. use the bandits to protect this start expansion while waiting for the fellon and army mix

make sure you place a few defender or llt in base to protect it and que up a few solars connected to mex

keep a radar on front-line and defender turrets are good anywhere that could get attacked including a few along solar grid lines to kill scythe.

keep shields in a ball .. then expand and use the cons in the ball to spam 'defender' towers while helping they guy in-front of you to push..

dont push if your shields are low and keep making defenders

be careful of claw-lv arty and other skirmisher/arty also be aware shields are slow

a good noob shield fac ratio is imho:

Dirtbag: 4
Bandit: 4
Rogue: 4
Thug: 3
Convict: 2
Vandal: 2
Outlaw: 1
Racketeer: 1
Aspis: 1

use your dirts and bandits to:
charge arty that chase you when you retreat
strike weak targets
strike heavy targets that do not have riot weapons or have a poor rate of fire

keep the dirts in front of your ball of units if your feeling in danger of cloaked units and to maintain los

keep your racks, vandals convicts and aspis safe if you can but keep these units in your ball as they help protect it.. if air bothers you use the vandals to warn air your not worth it by charging at air with them but dont loose too many of them vandals are quite good aa but only en mass

use your convicts to !reclaim! > build porc if you have excess metal > or repair

later when metal is booming make a caretaker and make sure your never energy stalling.. its mostly better to make solars then fusions.. connect your mex up to form a mex grid with solars or use pilons if the solar grid will block troop routes.


at least 1 razor in a frontline area always build a little way behind a front-line defender turret so your project is not going to get defender rushed mid build and so as to provide warning of incoming attacks, air and arty fire.

if enemy has mass arty do not try to porc front-line just make a few razor to soak up arty fire and mass a mobile army to push the enemy arty

hlt at key points just behind front are good.. dont make too many as they detract from your mobile army and are single target and attract attention of arty and rushes just 1-2 near a small front-line stretch

stardust's are good for stopping rushes but hate ranged units avoid if your getting arty attacked.

focus mainly on making a massive army and not on porc

+0 / -0
9 years ago
Try armraz for more dakka.
+0 / -0
He wants more unitnames of special units from missions or other unused stuff, like the Nebula Carrier.
See this thread:http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/7676 (scroll through the posts) for names of units that can be spawned in same way as the carrier.

Also you can spawn all of the chicken monster units and command them.
To find their names:

1) Type ingame into chat:
2) /console 1 - this enables a console with autocomplete suggestions
3) /give chicken - then press TAB
4) In console appear name of all units that begin with "chicken"

A few of these commands are also "fun" but most are boring: https://springrts.com/wiki/TestingYourGame

Here is the best commands:
1) /give 500 treetype1
2) - do not move mouse or camera -
3) /give sprinker
+1 / -0
9 years ago
DErankdocluehwa the more exclamation marks u spam the more OP u look
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Why on earth is this four threads?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Exclamation point spam is OPus. Nerf please!
+1 / -0