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Sunrise Episode 4M - Ambush at Rossum

By MYrankAdminHistidine
Ada finds a Machine world that is not as abandoned as it seems to be.

Players: 1
Map: Desert_Plateaus
Game:Zero-K v1.4.10.2
Created:10 years ago
Changed: 8 years ago (revision 74)
Played: 134 times
Rated: 3 times
Rating: Your vote:
Difficulty: Your vote:

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Woo, something new!

Terraform was enabled. Oversight?
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10 years ago
Terraform was enabled. Oversight?



Will fix eventually.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Porc, porc, porc... and if it fails, porc moar!
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10 years ago
I must say i had to do what CZrankTLama talks about. Stingers and Caretakers win this mission, not Jumpjets and Specialists.
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10 years ago
It might be because I know where the fusions and factories are (though I pretended not to), but I managed to beat it on my last run without building a single HLT.

Anyway, updated to fix terraform being available and campaign not progressing (>_<)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I tried to hit factory originally but my jack strikesquad wasn't very happy to see the stardust, and pyros weren't happy about Defenders. And of course there was this shieldball.

Maybe winning it without Stingers should be an achievement :)
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Cant even start mission, stuck on loading radar icons(or whatever it is first)
+0 / -0
This feels impossible. Defenses get annihilated by the long range rocket bots beyond their range. Constant micro is needed to fight the hammers or rockets, because landing even a single shot can ruin the weak jumpjets. I don't have enough time to even build an LLT on every side before they come. The fire that drops almost immediately wipes out one of the mexes, but giving my com a 10 second break from porc'ing to rebuild is begging for an early grave. Yet I drastically need the money.

What am I doing wrong? I can't seem to find any replays of this one; could someone link me to one?
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9 years ago
I'll give this a try later. Just know that campaign missions being extremely bad balanced is a common thing. Anybody remembers the early versions of Sunrise Dynasty Ep 1.2 on the Stronghold map? Those were fun. After a few minutes enemies started spamming Crabes at a very high rate, the CCR macro challenge was easy in comparison.
+0 / -0
So, Moderators are pretty useless, Firewalkers work well but not well for attacking, Jacks get kited by Rogues/Bandits and Pyros die to Defenders and later Outlaws. The answer? Build Stingers everywhere. I ended up just building Stingers to destroy the enemy base since they were the most effective thing I had.
+0 / -0
Boringly easy. Just spam OP Moderators and build an occasional few Freakers. Works against Thugs, Outlaws and even Rogues. The very low number of Bandits you might encounter also get evaporated instantly.

Early free units are enough to deal with the onslaught. Kill enemy Defenders on high ground with the free Jacks you get. Reclaim enemy buildings under construction with your commander as enemy Convicts keep pumping metal into them.

Don't forget to place a radar, expand and play super greedy. The enemy is very much split up, so can't really assault from any single direction.

I feel like an important unit - Puppy - was missing. It's a key unit for jumpies, essential for scouting. Not needed for this mission, but still very good to learn about.

Moderators are pretty useless
Nope. They win the game alone after you get rid of Defenders with a Jack. Just keep kiting and dodging Rogues.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
How on earth do you use Moderators effectively? I tried with the ones I had, and even tried massing them, but the frequency of the enemy units in the centre right hitting you and their huge relead time meant that they just got knocked out really easily after the first shot.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Moderators is unit who is from glass. They die fast because of low hit point. They are support unit not front line unit. You attack and then move them back if enemy is on sight. So you need micro them.
+0 / -0
too easy. 10 freakers, defender spam for expansion and pyro monospam for finish him.
what gone wrong? I doesnt feel Difficulty=4, maybe 1-1.5
also my com got stuck in top right corner of left bottom building.
+0 / -0
The mission is a little overwhelming at start (attacks from 3 sides with no time to prepare) but later basically nothing interesting is happening. You just have to spam any combat unit and sweep the map with it.
There is also quite a big annoyance with how LOS works, these defenders on hills are not visible until you get really close.

There could be more enemy units defending territory (set on patrol for example) to make things interesting. OTA campaign missions had those and it made enemy feel more alive.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
They did?
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9 years ago
Yes, OTA missions (at least some I remember) had units set on patrol.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
  • Libertas uses batcom.
  • Characters are called (Chassis) Commander.
  • Ada is dark blue.
  • The initial pyros which are supposed to kill Rogues will mostly die to defenders on hills, and further units you get are also skirmed by Rogue. Doable but somewhat frustrating.
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