why did you stop playing? Let us attack the elephant in the room. Many of us have stopped playing completely. I stopped playing because of downvotes on the forums, and the tediousness of teaching new players to play an extremely complex game. as if that wasn't bad enough, i never felt secure when playing there are many times where i have seen my side quickly take control of middle just to be pushed back to death from missle trucks, a banisher, shieldball, or dante. I loved the 15 vs 15 and i would usually either spam cheap units or spam eco fusions. Solution: remove downvotes on forum, and remove half the units in zero-k.
+4 / -8
nobody plays 1v1 and economy changes killed team games for me personally id rather play bigger games like overwatch, csgo, LoL because all this time spent being good at an empty game feels a bit pointless
+3 / -0
im going to move into my new house in 6 weeks and then ill have net and be back
+1 / -0
quote: Solution: remove downvotes on forum, and remove half the units in zero-k. |
Solution: remove develobsters and perform bugfixes only ^^ read: - pointless changes like renaming units for the sake of renaming - using bugged engines on the main servers - stupid balance(hi reef antinuke which should have been removed 5 years ago), - half of changes made totally break the game: fuck up balance, ruin UX, reset settings, broke lobby(lobsters update lobby and propagate the change to all computers and don't even see if it's starting without errors, lolz) I can continue... p.s. have fun with steam release and hot servers restarts while users playing, a couple of such restarts and u will be left in a cloud of dust thinking about your develobsterness
+4 / -1
I'm kind of bored of the game and getting decent rooms up takes hours
+1 / -0
Because no more new units, no new things :(, I stagnate when I don't learn something new. And because some of the most interesting tactics got nerfed :(, like newton blastwing, space valk skuttle and so on :(. Makes me sad
+2 / -0
I stopped playing recently because I'm tired of changing my UI after changing from engine version to version and now I will just wait until ZK embraces 102. quote: I stopped playing because of downvotes on the forums |
Are you the sort of person that can't take any negativity? quote: I stopped playing because of downvotes on the forums, and the tediousness of teaching new players to play an extremely complex game. |
To be all honest it kind of attitude baffles me because I can clearly remember that I learned the basics of Zero-K very quickly and never found it hard to improve my gameplay and I also never considered myself as some sort of RTS ubermenchen. Yet most people fail to grasp how to play the game well and deem it as "hard to learn" and "complex". But then it might be a personal problem since it also applies to other strategy games like Europa Universalis and Civilization. All in all I just want people to get better at the game. quote: remove half the units in zero-k. |
How would that solve anything? You not only remove complexity but also depth this way. Game would become severly unbalanced as well since you would remove options of possible reactions given for the player.
+0 / -0
quote: I'm kind of bored of the game and getting decent rooms up takes hours |
I started playing Spring engine games in 2006... its now 2016. Zero K is the best RTS, but it now has a really degraded community and for me playing it is always disappointing.
+2 / -0
quote: I stopped playing because of downvotes on the forums, and the tediousness of teaching new players to play an extremely complex game. |
the critic maybe eligible but the solution is wrong in my opinion. to the downvotes, simply ignore them (they cud be private tho). to the second thing its been communicated alot already and some solution were already made. btw a coop mode is just being coded allowing players to control same units. also i say this game lives from its complexity just like ta did once maybe you can try to orientate on the unit classes this might help you abit...
+1 / -0
I recently have frequent connection issues which may ruin the game experience for allies, enemies and obviously for me. :( I plan to return playing when the issues are gone.
+0 / -0
I hate losing. quote: perform bugfixes only reef antinuke which should have been removed 5 years ago |
...well make up your mind. Do you want balance changes or not?
+3 / -0
Not enough cluster duck. Just push steam release and let this game burn in a glorious fire.
+1 / -0
I decided I'm tired of MP games in general.
Can't start and stop at will
Don't really like interacting with other people in the context of a game (versus chatting or forum talk) in general, even when I sort of know everyone (e.g. ZK community)
Too many other things to do (modding, books, Steam library backlog)
Guaranteed ~50% overall loss rate in competitive non-FFA games*
[Spoiler] * In terms of maximizing enjoyment, and if we considered losing in general to be poor at generating enjoyment (which I expect most people would agree is true in most contexts), competitive games strike me as clearly suboptimal. In SP and co-op games you win some and you lose some (and I find a credible threat of losing is valuable for increasing the fun when you do win), but competitive games require someone to lose so that someone else can win.
+5 / -0
It kind of makes no sense to argue against people's statements here... but many of them seem quite silly so I'm doing it anyway. You are free not to open the following spoiler. [Spoiler]The concept of "stopped playing the game because of downvotes on the forums" still makes no sense to me. Try not reading the forum?
AFAIK most unit renames happened because they violated TA copyright. It's a profoundly petty thing to complain about for this long, too...
Using bugged engines is an important step on the road to having non-bugged and improved engines.
The point of doing server restarts now and ironing out bugs (which requires exposure to bugs) is so that they don't have to happen in the event of steam release. Things I don't disagree with: ZK is an above average game in terms of complexity which decreases newbie retention. The small playerbase makes finding good games difficult.
+3 / -0
I tried to have fun playing with custom-commander-centric strategies, but they're just bad...or not good enough. There's a need to invest in mixed survival mods before boosting weapons, and even after they're still too easily counterable due to skuttles, stun and disarm, especially if used offensively. Also commander models, animations and weapons aren't very fitting or well balanced. I got bored.
+3 / -0
[Spoiler]The "riot gun + two random upgrades + artillery cannon" battlecom in the current patch is by far the most viable "morphed-beyond-level-1" commander that has existed in 1v1, and possibly small teams, for as long as I have been playing.
+2 / -0
my favorite thing about this game is when a team works together =)
+1 / -0
  raaarAquanim's right (although the upgrades are unnecessary). Level two: riot cannon, radar (optional) Level three: Naked (possibly nanolathe, but very circumstantial) Level four: Artillery but otherwise naked It's a crabe with less ROF but higher range, with a leveler sidearm to boot. It's very strong. Its strength is in that you don't constantly push metal into it. It costs less than 1000, has 5k hitpoints, 800 range, and is highly independent (screening still required). You then build units and take map control, and you have an entire lane not only secured, but pushing with the option to build or reclaim while attacking. Highly efficient, possibly going to be nerfed. It posted good numbers in the most recent tournament. Overly upgrading coms is a fallacy. Sure modules can get more efficient the more you have, but they start off inefficient, and you give up too much too early to make them good. The trick with commanders is to upgrade them minimally while still shaping them to meet certain goals. This com is good because you give up a lot less to achieve only slightly less. 800 range is tiny for an artillery, but it's enough to outrange all relevant statics and units. 800 is enough.
+2 / -0
You shouldn't take to seriously peoples who vote negative on you. I know also at least one clown who frequently down vote my comments. And? That is reason why i stop playing? Of course no! I will play and write more comments!
+2 / -1