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Title: Zero-K: All Welcome
Host: CZrankSpringiee
Game version: Zero-K v1.4.7.0
Engine version: 103.0
Battle ID: 425601
Started: 8 years ago
Duration: 32 minutes
Players: 6
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 50%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 50%


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Force resign is such a great mechanic

If we already have to play games with such insane ELO differences, can't we at least decide ourselves when we give up?

+0 / -0

8 years ago
Pick one:
1) you are sometimes forced to concede a game that you were losing that wasn't necessarily lost.
2) you must wait until the porcer off in some corner somewhere loses their last athena hiding up in the hills before starting a new game. Every team game. No exceptions. None.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Just make the team lose if all of the following are applied:

*the team has no constructors units
*the team has no factories
*the team is outmetaled 10(?) times

There. I fixed it for you
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Agreed. Someone should go ahead and do that.

Well... not to those specifications but you get what I mean.
+0 / -0
When I increased !resign !y votes needed to 67%+1 (rounded down) many players cried. Right now it's 60%+1.

Perhaps votes necessary should be based on the sum of players or some portion of elo, whichever sets a higher requirement. That would need some logic that decides how elo is used in this calculation.

Math: note that the only numbers that matter for this should be "elo differences" and things calculated from them, or things based on the same concept, but not the arbitrary "1500 elo".

+0 / -0
The current outmetal condition that is used for LOS hacks would be ok for a force resign imo. It's not like you could win against an enemy who sees you every move and has much more metal available anyway. (Teams only)

The resign vote should either require a specific fraction of the team's total ELO (or some better metric that doesn't suffer from offsets) or just be replaced by a 100% requirement. I don't see it being used to save a lot of time in big team games(The porcnub usually doesn't hold a second vs 10 enemies).

PS: Here is another great use of !voteresign from the same day: Multiplayer B425557 6 on Desert_Plateaus
+0 / -0
I'm not sure a mathematical criteria which has to be satisfied before resignation is appropriate... for example, this game would have satisfied most reasonable criteria for resignation, but it was worth playing out.

Plenty of games with the metal difference, etc. of that game would be obviously and clearly lost. Sometimes special circumstances pertain.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
The condition might be wrong sometimes. But then the LOS hax should be removed as well.

Did the "numerical advantage" message appear in the linked game? If yes I'm definitely gonna have to watch it, because winning against an enemy that has full LOS on every of your units while being at a major metal disadvantage must be hard.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Oh, no, we didn't hit that... but if you were only allowed to resign at that stage, a LOT of games would be needlessly extended.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
The porcnub usually has cloaked BS and all their allies holdings to mess with. "Fight 'til your dying breath" is a really common mentality, and with one room mentality the reality is that hours of time is wasted due to sloppy win cons on a daily basis. In a 20 player game, the one person holding out for three minutes costs the collective an entire hour. In a 'sloppy' game players can have so much built up porc that they can extend it well past this point.

It's awkward, because "fight 'til dying breath" is a really good mentality once you're a strong player. The more allies that leave the greater the impact you have on a game. In regard to this, we're forced to say "do as we say, not as we do", which is a rubbish way to influence people. A newer or lower rated player needs to accept the reality of their own limited ability before resigning on time is a concern for them, which also doesn't help.

If I'm playing to win, I can't resign if I still see a way to take the game back. But if the rules for winning were changed, I wouldn't have that 'choice' and we'd be onto the next game already. IMO we should be maximising the amount of time people are playing the contentious part of the game, and this should come at the expense of the cleanup/tryhard phase. If we accidentally cut down on the number of resign votes in doing so... well... that's a risk I'm willing to take.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
I did not know there was a LOS hax past a certain metal difference. Never happened to me, resigns always come earlier.
+0 / -0