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as i had recently some performance glitches with linux which i solved, i thought a central page which offer technical experiences for this topic.

Type: Laptop
CPU: core i7 3,4ghz
RAM: 16G
GPU: nvidia NVS 5200M (living next to Intel onboard scum, controlled by nvidia prime)
OS: ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Driver versions:

352.63 ruined it, had usual ingame fps of below 10, mostly around 5 to 3 fps. not fun to play... (somehow my system decided suddenly to select this driver on its own for no reason)
352.63-updates is running smoothly in the default game (not: speedmetal) with above 25 fps most of the time
+0 / -0
you did not even post your operating system, lib dependencies etc.
did you start it from livestick? Also I think it is the wrong place to post such things, maybe there are general issues with that nv-driver under linux?

to help you a bit 352.79 works for me, I did not test 352.63: (OS: debian)

[ 2.861724] [drm] Initialized nvidia-drm 0.0.0 20150116 for 0000:01:00.0 on minor 0
[ 2.861726] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module 352.79 Wed Jan 13 16:17:53 PST 2016
+0 / -0
352.79-7 works for me also (Asus UX303LN, Linux Mint Debian Edition 2, 64bit), bumblebee / primusrun.
On my desktop running Mint 18, I had problems with a Steam game called Magicka 2, and they went away after updating the nvidia driver from here (version 367.35):
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8 years ago
I've just upgraded to GTX 960M and the latest drivers (361) don't work with bumblebee. I was not able to get bumblebee to work at all, but it works passably ( = 4 times better than previous system) with prime-select, so who cares.

On the old system (unsure exactly which gpu, older driver version), prime-select was considerably worse than optirun and primusrun for me, so i imagine if i manage to get bumblebee going there will be additional win.
+0 / -0
EErankAdminAnarchid I have not been able to upgrade the nVidia drivers from the 352 version to anything that would work with Bumblebee. Also, on Debian, I'm still waiting for a nVidia driver that would work with the latest kernels (version > 4.4).
Note that the desktop machine that I mentioned with the later nVidia driver version is running pure nVidia, single card, no switching system required.
+0 / -0
I have now nVidia 361.45.18-2 from Debian Sid (mixed in with my otherwise Linux Mint Debian Edition 2 / Jessie system), works with Bumblebee. Key was to install glx-alternatives for nvidia and mesa, and run:
sudo update-glx --config glx

, and select the Bumblebee option from the list, then reboot. That changes the display to use Intel properly again so that bumblebee works.
This version of the nVidia driver also compiles for Linux 4.6. So far no problems.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Running it fine on Arch Linux, driver version 367.35.
GPU: GTX970.

Maybe try something newer? Try installing it directly from nvidia's website if nothing else works even though it's usually a very bad idea (Don't do this if you're not sure!)
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8 years ago
One more note, on kernel 4.6, I started getting crazy display flashing / blanking with the new driver, so I switched back to kernel 4.5. The previously mentioned nVidia driver is still good for 4.5 also.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
4.6 has bugs with intel driver said a colleague...
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8 years ago
Does anyone want me to test with intel drivers? I will do that if it's requested.
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