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admin abuse part 2?

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8 years ago
Still have not received any communication from an actual admin about this and what is going on.
I find some of the things people say or do in Zero-K offensive and upsetting. But they are not penalized for this.
Can we please have a list of "words" that are not acceptable.
Since the word "retarded" apparently is a no go.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
until i actually get to talk to an admin about this, im going to keep asking.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
DeinFreund begins spamming !resign 2 minutes into the game.
report he
+1 / -1
8 years ago
why report him? the admin was watching, then penalized me when i implied that he was "in delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment".
+1 / -0
8 years ago
The admins here seem like they would prefer trolls/trolling in games, and if anyone calls out the trolls they will penalize them for it.
+1 / -0
" despite being warned"
I get the distinct feeling we are not being told all of the story.

... when i implied that he was "in delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment".

No, you called him a retard, and we both know damn well that was not what you meant.

I watched the replay. Dancer got his warning and his explanation then. Lock plz.
+2 / -1

8 years ago
Don't pretend to be stupider than you are. You get muted for being obtusely rude, not for using a word from The Big Bad List Of Bad Words.
+4 / -1
I never claimed to be stupid, nor did I imply anything of the sort.
I find your tone uncomfortable that you would imply such a thing.
Being a retard means that you are being slow, and under-performing. This term is context sensitive.
This makes sense since the player i addressed even admitted to having technical issues, such as his spring settings being changed (which we can all relate to and sympathize with at some time or another) which would explain the under-performance.

you claim i am being muted for being "obtusely rude",
This is interesting since.
Obtuse: Dense, not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; not sensitive or observant; dull, Slow, and "retarded" are all applicable synonyms.
Is this statement in this context, not simply, the pot calling the kettle black?

For someone who works on a day to day basis with people with disabilities, that you would feel the need to police the usage of the word "retarded", I find incredibly insensitive. Since it is typically enforced by people who have 0 hands on experience with people with disabilities, and they are simply trying to give themselves a small pat on the back for somehow "helping the cause", but that does nothing. It doesn't do any physio, it doesn't wipe their ass, and it doesn't help.

It is also nice to be able to communicate with allies at 08:00 utc during the rare 2v2's that I have to go a turn and re-adjust and occasionally provide medical/necessary attention to a quadriplegic, hence the pause.

And on that note, Yeah sometimes I am a bit surly, cause I'm fucking human.
And I don't talk to people online like i would someone on the street.
I'm in my own home and more or less comfortable. As i hope are all of you. And as such our dialogue pertinent to that fact.

If i am in a privately hosted match (yeah, it was not hosted with matchmaking, and it was not hosted with an auto-host, so its a private match you are policing),
and say something to someone i have played many many matches with, and 1 "phrase" gets taken out of context by a spectator.
Did the player complain? did DeinF say anything? no cause he was busy fixing his problem with springsettings, (which i was happy to try and help him fix, though he probably didn't need any of my limited help :S)

and during that match you just said. "you have been warned (Admin power trip cock slap)" where else in that battle or last 24 hours have i seen any warning? Did you PM me, or say something in game.
Does everyone who is in game watches all the dialogue? Oh wait they don't that's why we can ping+text

So are private matches now subject to "policing" or does one have to have it "locked/password" to protect it from this?

And yes, this has been an ongoing thing where some admins say "i dont like your tone, (PENALTY)"
and yes, my personality is typically blunt, and to the point.
and yes, my spirit animal is the surly old farmer.

I know i am coming back with a response, since i feel some of the admins have been possibly abusing their power to unfairly push and intimidate me for some personal dislike of me or my character. I would like it to stop, or at the very least, some kind of dialogue established rather than (i don't like how you talk today, mute/ban for an arbitrary amount of time).

I predict some of what i say will be subject to the backfire effect...
+0 / -0
You were warned previously because you got reported for several consecutive instances of insulting behaviour.

It was discussed in admin community what course of action was to be taken, and it was decided that you would be warned because while you do have a history of being abrasive, it is unlikely to be serious.

Then you were warned; and on the next day you completely disregarded that warning.

So a minimum length and minimum severity punishment was enacted.

I sincerely hope that further escalation will not prove necessary.
+7 / -0
8 years ago
was something done about the !resign spam
+1 / -1
8 years ago
Firepluk resigned and is now spectating
(with popcorn)
+0 / -1

8 years ago
was something done about the !resign spam

+1 / -0
8 years ago
and what was it?
was he ban
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Warned, following the exact same protocol as above.
+4 / -0
Warned, following the exact same protocol as above.

This all sounds dull. I'm perfectly aware that there is a special warning that can be displayed on player's page
Why wasn't it used?
Some transparency could help to avoid such threads
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Wait, whatthefuck? Did he got punished for doing whatever in PRIVATE room?
+0 / -1
Yes Failer, they are now policing Private rooms.
And yes, warnings are not given on the players page.
There is also no dialogue with the offending player.
Also the "offended player" to my knowledge did not issue any complaints.

Also, what was this admin discussion and why is it not available?
what other admins were online when this "penalty" was issued?

For all we know it could be,
"gogo is pissing me off",
"then mute him, your an admin"

Even your Admin ikinz has done the exact thing i was penalized for on this forum thread towards me without any warning or any issue?
Ikinz's comments were rude, using an insulting tone, and calling me thick/stupid and rude.

This is the exact double standard and continued harassment I have received from the admins that i am talking about. Any petty thing i do, they find reason, or interpret some kind of offence taken in order to enact punishment. Even when that occurs in a PRIVATE ROOM.

Offence is something that is taken, not given. Hence why the most offensive joke is totally dependant on the audience.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
CArank[G0G0]Dancer sorry about my tone, I legit thought you were trolling with this one. I'm still unsure actually. But since apparently you may not, I'll explain.

If you called him an fucking idiot, or a complete moron, or a "worthless piece of human garbage that should kill itslef" (not a single bad word in that one!) you'd get the same result. The problem isn't retard being considered an ableist slur.

It's great that you're helping disabled people, just don't be "a bit surly" to the point where it stops being a bit and be "blunt, and to the point" without resorting to rudeness.

Less of this:

I agree it looks bad when we explicitly call rooms "private" and then police people in there. I don't think giving everyone a carte blanche is a good idea though, because the reality of the situation is that people make a private room to replace a public autohost and then act as though it's an autohost without exercising their boss powers.

My thoughts are something like allow the boss to kick or spec or change map and settings arbitrarily but punish overt verbal abuse (and ignore banter). I don't think dancer's "retard" quite qualifies as overt in itself, but coupled with the previous warning I think he can stomach a day mute.
+2 / -0
+4 / -4
8 years ago
That is art.
+2 / -0
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