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to help newbies ;-) !! metal-energy illimited !

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Hi !

It's very useful to test functionnalities by creating a battle with a "nul AI" (for testing purposes).
Instead of making fastidiously metal and energy as in a normal battle in order to test big and expensive units, try this options (to be written before starting):

!setoptions energymult=50,metalmult=50

With that you won't wait ....on the contrary: the game will wait you !!


If your writing triggers weird avatarwiki syntax, put it in {{curly braces}} like this but with 3 braces instead of 2.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Another option is to type "/cheat" followed by "/nocost". You'll need to do this in the skirmisher rather than a multiplayer room, but it will make everything cost 1 metal.
+1 / -0
If you want to also test unit interactions, I'd suggest going with
!hostsay /nocost
!hostsay /godmode
Make sure to type all of the commands in the lobby because chat is still fighting the clone wars.

Now you can see and control all units, even those of your enemies.

Don't do drugs kids
+1 / -0

8 years ago
: -) Thank you Ikinz and DeiFreund.....I've just learned new things !
+0 / -0