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How to evade with raiders

28 posts, 1943 views
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(skip to 2:50)
+4 / -0
8 years ago
To summarize: Put wings on your Glaives and hope the enemy doesn't have any tracking or (near-)insta-hit weapons.
+0 / -0
8 years ago

( Didn't the British have radar first in WW2? So this film might have been more/less useful to them earlier on?)
+0 / -0
8 years ago
While Radar was discovered long before ww2, It was famously implemented en mass in 1939 by England under Neville Chamberlain, as part of the build up that England was preparing for war with the Axis.
+1 / -0

8 years ago

(Broken link above leads to this^)
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Here's a genius strat that [i] would[i] have helped in the Battle of Britain and ZK:

Destroy the radar.
+0 / -0
With what?

While this may look like merl, it has the accuracy of recluse or worse.
+2 / -0

8 years ago

Nowhere near merl, but recluse may be a little too stretched when you take the distance into account. Anyway not nearly enough to hit any kind of emplacement.
+1 / -0
It's good enough
Plus, it was the ancestor of all our rockets today.

You can bomb radar, destroy with land raids, stun, nuke.

It forces people to make another 55/500 metal radar since they need it to counter a strike/attack.

I say the best way to kill bombers in flight is to hide your Flak in place they won't expect, so the intelligence is rough and thus the aircraft flies into heavy flak their not prepared for
+0 / -0

8 years ago

While this may look like merl, it has the accuracy of recluse or worse.

"Tests of prototype V-2's in 1943 indicated a 4.5 km CEP (circular error probable - the radius within which 50% of the shots impact). 100% of the shots fell within 18 km of the target. A radio beam guidance update system was introduced in December 1944, which in tests produced a 2 km CEP. In reality, in the campaign against Britain, 518 rockets were recorded as falling in the Greater London Air Defence Zone of 1225 fired, implying an average CEP of 12 km."

Recluse is ultra precise in comparison. :D :D V2 sucks vs even Soviet first ICBM who had CEP 2.5 - 5 km. :D
+0 / -0

8 years ago
It would be good video abpou flaks, bet ZK flak have two cons: its just sucks in accuracy and it cant shoot on ground targets. So 8.8 cm flak still is better. :D
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Recluse can overshoot their targets by 5x the distance to the target..
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Recluse can overshoot their targets by 5x the distance to the target..

It can be easy fixed. You just need put V2 warhead on recluse rocket and blast power will be enough to correct it.
+0 / -0
Recluse is ultra precise in comparison. :D :D V2 sucks vs even Soviet first ICBM who had CEP 2.5 - 5 km. :D

You know 1st Soviet ICBM (which actually shoudln't be called ICBM since it was intended to hit France, GB etc (not quite Inter Continental)) was based on V2?
It would be a terrible design if it had worse statistics than its progenitor... (but it would be quite russian TBH)

Also later long range ICBMs were based on other German A-series missles (I believe mostly on A10, which was to hit NY, Washington etc.) which had so terrible accuracy they had to actually have a pilot steering them... You can't get any worse than this...
+0 / -0

8 years ago
ICBM is a guided ballistic missile with a minimum range of 5,500 kilometres (3,400 mi). As R7 could fly 8,800 km it counts as ICBM. If R7 could get in reality 5 km CEP in its range then it would be pretty good CEP for that time.
It doesn't matter that Soviets and Americans used Nazis inventions. Nazis also steal many technology from west (and even some from soviets i think). Everybody knows it.
+0 / -0
If a missle is designed to hit a country within borders of the same cotinent, and is called InterContinental Ballistic Missle, something is clearly wrong, no matter if its goign to fly 100 or 5000km.

It doesn't matter that Soviets and Americans used Nazis inventions. Nazis also steal many technology from west (and even some from soviets i think).

Oh, did they? Probably thise were the tanks, trucks, amunition, backpacks and canned food that Sovets were given by USA.

Everybody knows it.

Yap, everyone, except those not blidfolded by post-Soviet "Great Patriotic War" propaganda.

On the serious note - I can't come up with anything the Natzis ''stole'' from Soviets (maybe except angling tank's armour to increase ricoshet arate)
+0 / -0

8 years ago
On the serious note - I can't come up with anything the Natzis ''stole'' from Soviets (maybe except angling tank's armour to increase ricoshet arate)

Yea. And maybe some tehnical details from T-34. Slopped armor was most valuable.

Yap, everyone, except those not blidfolded by post-Soviet "Great Patriotic War" propaganda.

They are just poor peoples. :D :D However somethimes funny.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Yea. And maybe some tehnical details from T-34. Slopped armor was most valuable.

What technical details?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Sloppy armor obviously
+1 / -0
8 years ago
I mentioned taht. Anythign more?
+0 / -0
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