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Framerate issues on a good system

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8 years ago
i7 6700HQ
OS: Win10

I get good framerate in small, medium and pretty large game. However, when the game becomes really hectic my framerate drops in the <1fps. I thought it was a natural thing, but yesterday I was informed it wasn't.

What I tried:
Checked network connection; no issues there.
Checked if the game ran on the 1070; it does.
Checked CPU workload during runtime; 27% although thread 8 is at 90-100%
Checked CPU and GPU temp; everything is nominal.

It would be very appreciated if you could help me get this running optimally, I really enjoy huge game and it would be awesome to do so in a acceptable framerate.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Which battle in particular (link replay), and were you the only person lagging?
+0 / -0
8 years ago
This is the battle
I was informed by 2 player that they were not lagging. During this battle, lag was so bad I was 40sec behind at time.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
With this system, you should never lag. If there's a lag, it must be due to your connection.
+0 / -0
Are you using a stock configuration? Or are you maybe using some laggy widgets?

If the game is lagging again, enter /debug and make a screenshot. It'll show what exactly is causing the lag.

Sadly your 1070 is not going to be better than a 750 ti in this game.

PS: I'm playing zk on a 3.2 ghz laptop and don't remember lagging out in any serious game so it really shouldn't happen for you.
+0 / -0
With this system, you should never lag. If there's a lag, it must be due to your connection.

lies, u will lag with any system on huge games because it's zk
u may try to overclock to ~5GZ though, zk is mostly single threaded...
+0 / -0
Sadly your 1070 is not going to be better than a 750 ti in this game.

I play almost perfectly fine on GeForce 8500GT :D (full hd, windowed, minimal everything)
it's 10 year old
a slightly better(something mid from ~2010 year or so) 256-512mb is all zk can take afaik
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Define lag then. With my i7 from 2011 I can barely remember going under 10-20 fps. Actually i never look at fps because it is always smooth enough.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Weird, I have a very good connection. Maybe it's the latency because i'm in North America and most players seem to be from Europe?
+0 / -0
You know, if you enable the Deluxe player list in alt-f11, you will see your ping on the far right of the list. Look at that next time you feel lag.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
To check if it's connection/lag just watch the replay.
If you have low fps in replay as well - it's not connection.
+3 / -0