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StarCraft is now free to play

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The original StarCraft: Brood War is now a free to play game.

Official website

Official download link

I post this because there's some really awesome Starcraft maps that I've always wanted to play online. They're rather complex and with many awesome features that would probably overwhelm the average player. So I'm looking for a group of people who are interested in trying out old, but unique gameplay on a variety of maps I've collected over the years.

List of maps I'd like to play:
(versions are the newest I have - if newer ones exist we can play them too ofc)
+2 / -0

7 years ago
Not sure when we would both be free at the same time, but I'd like to try these maps.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
I own the original StarCraft, played a bit on Battle.Net, but never got Brood War. Looks like I'm going to try that now :)
+0 / -0

7 years ago
i used to play play broodwar in the PGL, it almost costed me my finals back in the day ;) if i find time i will join you...
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Here goes sc2 as well.

Let's hope this increases general interest in RTS instead of pulling away all possibly interested players from us. Free to play would probably still be one of the main reasons for people to even try zk.
+0 / -1

7 years ago
ZK's unique game play is sufficient reason to try Zk. I think 90% of us here can afford to spend 50$ and buy a new RTS game, but yet we don't.
+7 / -0
7 years ago
I made 1K USD from my summer job... and its all going into college applications...
Yeah, I haven't spent a single cent on video games since 2012.
A triple A title (SC2) going free is pretty damn good. It will definitely compete with my zero-k weekend time.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
all going into college applications
Good luck! :)
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Very interesting is Starcraft Remastered. For 15 USD its not large sum to buy such great game. I have bought Age of Empires 2 HD as well and that was epic when i again play it. SC1 and Aoe2 i played them on my Pentium 1 PC.
I tried SC2 but it wasn't so good as SC1.
ZK is great game but it have small player base and need very good single core CPU to play clusters. I have bought many games but ZK is only game where i donated money and i never regret that decision because it gave me awesome MP expierence.
I made 1K USD from my summer job... and its all going into college applications...

Its going in your own future investment. So nothing wrong with that.
+0 / -0
7 years ago
I think its agreed then, as you suggest, let us leave behind us, the decaying carcass that is Zzzz-k and move to StarCraft. Good shout!
+1 / -2

7 years ago
real life is free to play too,but you need to pay to have fun and the grind is terrible...maybe starcraft is a good idea.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
real life has mictrotransactions everywhere. that sucks. it has nice graphics though and i have no lags.
+1 / -0
I really like the haptic feedback. If you know what i mean.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
anarchid we all know that side of you very well.
+1 / -0

7 years ago

I think its agreed then, as you suggest, let us leave behind us, the decaying carcass that is Zzzz-k and move to StarCraft. Good shout!

Is this what you want, to draw people away from ZK to a paid SC1 with polished graphics?

Starcraft's single player campaign was fun in its day. I did play some SC and brood war online too, and it was fine.

Imo, the game itself is overrated. Like many others, the community "made" the game:
- The competitive scene around it
- people making and playing custom maps and mini-games made using its powerful scenario editor

those are what kept it going.
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