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Clan tags

4 posts, 1114 views
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13 years ago
I think players should be forced to wear clan tag. Now when playerlist in game(lobby) looks normal without any clan stack. The truth is that they are in some kind hidden clan. And you are playing against pure clanstack. So this would give ppl some realistic view how badly game is balanced, is it badly balanced is it no balance at all, or it is just not balanced in any way, or maybe it is just pure imbalance. That would really help. Until that i wont join any pw server.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Good idea, it will be done
+0 / -0
13 years ago
How can i rename with zk client?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
try to join a planetwars server, it tells you what to do
+0 / -0