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Help with LUPS

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13 years ago
When I use LUPS, my framerate drops considerably - it's still playable but barely, so I'd like to turn it off. However, that means I can't see nano particles, which makes playing even harder.

I've seen a few people have this problem, and I was wondering whether it's possible to turn on only some of the LUPS effects. I have no idea how it's implemented, so I don't know if this is a ridiculous question, but I was looking through the source code and it seems as though LUPS has lots of particle classes, so I was wondering whether it would be possible to just enable the nano particles? Then, hopefully, my framerate wouldn't take such a hit when I want to see what I'm building.
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13 years ago
It's supposed to be configurable with the "lups.cfg" file in your spring folder, although the last time I touched it I started having desync problems. :(
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Thanks, that helps, i've started messing around with the cfg file.

I realised I was a bit too tired when I wrote my first comment, what I meant was that when I enabled LuaShaders my framerate drops.

But, I looked in the config file for LUPS, and it looks like it should be possible to set my nano particles to be of type "NanoLasersNoShader", so I'd hope that this means I'd be able to see nano without needing shaders enabled.

Unfortunately, the examples given in the lups.cfg file are in terms of "arm" and "core" eg.:

NanoFx = {


arm = {
fxtype = "NanoParticles",
alpha = 0.25,
size = 3,
sizeSpread = 5,
sizeGrowth = 0.35,
rotSpeed = 0.1,
rotSpread = 360,
texture = "bitmaps/Other/Poof.png",
particles = 1.75, // -> count*2.5 particles

core = {
fxtype = "NanoLasers",
alpha = "0.2+count/30",
corealpha = "0.7+count/15",
corethickness = "limcount",
streamThickness = "1+4*limcount",
streamSpeed = "(inversed)and(70-count) or (120-count*3)",


So does anyone know what i would have to write instead of "arm" and "core"?
I tries "robots" but it didn't seem to work.

Thanks for any help
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Instead of changing the nano effects, try disabling everything else in the config file, and then playing with lua shaders enabled and see what your framerate is like.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Thanks, that seems to work.
I'll have to test it in a big game sometime, but that seems to work.

Thanks again
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