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6 years ago
can we please just remove this unit? I dont know what its intended use is but it clearly doesnt work, even for a meme unit its not fun its just stupid noob trap

it sits in a slot in amph lab and has a name like its actually gonna do something useful but it doesnt even do anything to enemy units, theres nothing intuitive about it, even messing around in a custom game it makes no sense

do something with it or remove it, dont just add half finished meme units, kthx
+1 / -2
6 years ago
Quite the opposite
I've seen several actual lobsters using it quite successfully...

1) Ninja attacking bridge from underwater on folsom and other sudden attacks on land from water...
2) when executed properly, can even take down a browler ball or at least seriously damage it :P

in all those examples I saw lobster threw scalops... I'm pretty sure there are other interesting use cases for this unique mechanic
+7 / -0

6 years ago
It costs 300 ish, sits in the top right slot in lab where most labs have there generic mid range fighters and its called 'lobster' in an amphib lab with a bunch of weird names, it gives the impression of being a staple unit so you make a bunch of them and its like the biggest trap unit ever because it does literally nothing useful

I think for players like you, who are probably one of the very few people who would find this sort of useless meme unit fun, I guess it could be relegated to being built from an athena rather than outright deleted

By the way the limpet is also stupid and gay, very low effort. Why not give limpet the lobster ability to shoot things in the air as well as slow? Then maybe it might see some use as a visible, slow moving, expensive crawling bomb

Just think of new player perspective, they already have to learn 100s of units, and now there is some complete and utter dead-weight troll units in the mix? Disguised like they are somehow a real unit. But its not just a trap for noobs but good players too cuz I'm still shooting myself in the foot when i make 1 in a game and try unsuccessfully to figure out what its supposed to do.
+0 / -1

6 years ago
This isn't the first time in the world something's been less than viable in a strategy table. You just sound like a fussy brat, I wouldn't expect much return from a post like this.
+3 / -0
Limpet i still havnt found a use for it. Not only does it feel like it fails to do its job..... the archer does it 100x better. It might allow the non instant skirms to be caught more easily by amph forces but thats the only thing i can imagine. However its kinda useless against scalpels which is sorta the fac that one would expect to see against amph.

As far as the lobster, its super clunky and micro intensive for combat. I did once throw scallops at grizzlies and completely butchered them in a hillarious manner... but more often than not the lobster gets killed early, or the throwtime is so long that units just dodge the units before they land.

However while the lobster feels useless for real combat, it has some gimmicks (that to be honest fit more with jumpy than amph). You can throw your army, even grizzlies into elevated positions and send a lobster along to use it to completely bypass the enemy defense and jump straight around into their base if the map allows it. With workers thrown along you can even fortify that elevated position near the enemy base.

It also allows maps with water that is far below or simply has a cliff that cannot be scaled to be still used to stage flank attacks. (though amph is so slow, that by the time you get units in position for a flank you'll have lost the game)
+0 / -0
I haven't got many good uses out of Limpet, but I have found Lobster useful for quickly retreating slow units (artillery, grizzly, etc) if it turns out I've overextended, or for rescuing EMPed units.

The new slower version feels a bit lacklustre offensively (unless the stars align in terms of terrain and unit deployment) but defensively it's quite handy.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
has a name like its actually gonna do something useful

+4 / -0
I dislike how Make Whole Army Jump is an amph ability and not a jump ability.
+4 / -0

6 years ago
Yes, that is my only gripe with the lobster that it jumps a group of units around it.
I vote for moving it to jump fac and giving it a jump ability, so it's double useful and still retain it's support role.

As for Limpet, give it an ability like old submarines had, toggle between crawling on the sea floor and being near/on surface as it's currently useless against hover on deep sea maps.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
It serves a definite purpose in amph factory for amphibious landings. Most Jumpfac units don't need a Lobster or don't particularly want one.
+3 / -0
It serves a definite purpose in amph factory for amphibious landings.

If you are talking about Lobster, then i really don't think that this is how it is used in practice, or how it could best be used in theory.
+0 / -0
I don't think that it is the most common or most effective use of Lobster, but it is a thing that Amphfac occasionally wants. Putting Lobster in the factory that needs it least sounds terrible.
+3 / -0
zk has a lot of specific niche units.
Does not mean we should remove storages or give anti nukes a leveler side arm because nebs think they can also intercept tactical nukes...

In reality all of zk units have their specialization... Some broad, some narrow. Nebs just have to learn it and use accordingly
I love zk for it's wide variety and depth while keeping very good balance
Gravity/acceleration manipulation is one of the most amazing aspects in this game - read newton, sumo, archer, lobster
+1 / -0
6 years ago
I dislike how Make Whole Army Jump is an amph ability and not a jump ability.

gives a buff to slow ass amphib factory... Jumps already have a lot of jumping shit...
+1 / -0
I don't think that it is the most common or most effective use of Lobster, but it is a thing that Amphfac occasionally wants. Putting Lobster in the factory that needs it least sounds terrible.

I feel like i can use this line of argument for moving air transports to Rover or Shield pretty much verbatim. Gunship itself has precisely zero use for Charon, and Charon is what Rover and Shield occasionally want. Even though practically their most efficient and common use case is Reaver or Ogre drop.

Similar to Lobster, it also makes the entire recipient factory functionally allterrain. This is what makes it different to for example Dirtbag or Imp.
+1 / -0
Saying that Lobster "makes the entire factory functionally all-terrain" in the same sense as Charon is a pretty big stretch. Air factories also operate by different rules - they are generally intended for use as synergy factories.

More units which are poor to useless in Jumpfac but good in synergy with other factories sounds like exactly what Jumpfac does not need or want.

Putting Djinn and Lobster in the same factory establishes some kind of theme at least.
+0 / -0
I'm not arguing for moving Lobster fo Jump or even any immediate action on it. Not to channel Skasi too much, but i doubt this kind of holistic design based thing can be done in the current state of ZK as a project anyway.

If anything, i'd make it morphable from Newton. Then Newton and Archer are also a theme.

I'm just noticing my disapproval of its presence in amph because i feel like it dilutes jump by a lot by making every amph capable of jump. It's just so untidy.

Iris is a good illustration here, i think. Imagine if Iris did not exist and then was newly added to a factory which is not Cloaky, because, say, Snitches are great as a ghetto artillery with Iris, and Cloaky got enough cloaks already anyway.
+0 / -0
I think Cloaky gets a lot more use out of Iris than Jump would get out of Lobster. (Well, maybe not. Iris is kind of rare and you could probably do something dumb with Firewalkers.)

Also, cloaking is not an ability which is exclusive to Cloakfac (Cornea, snitch, Skuttle, commander, Widow), and I think the game is largely better off thereby.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
I'm not sure about moving transports out of the gunship fac. Gunships aren't really a viable starter fac anyway so having them in there as additional utility once you're at the point in game where you're putting up a gunship fac for revenants makes a lot of sense. Especially when you consider the facs that have the most need for some midgame gunship foolery (amph, tank, maybe shield and rover)
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I'm pretty sure moving transports was an illustrative example, not a serious course of action.
+2 / -0
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