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Rovers to slow/weak

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I very rarely see the use of rovers in this game.
Their medium units also feel to much like tanks.

I think rovers should be faster and be able to use dodging ai.
Rovers are waay to slow right now, they should own all land units when it comes to speed and they don't even have the fastest land based unit either...
the cloackbots actually feel more like how rovers should work then rovers themselfs.
the rocket rover's demand to stay stationary to fire is according to me also a direct opposite of what a rover should do XD.

Am i missing stuff or is their an error in my thinking?
+0 / -0
6 years ago
believe me you dont want to see the 'rocket rover' with the ability to shoot while moving
+3 / -0

6 years ago
Oh, I did like Slasher! Nothinglike a drive by attack by 20 slashers, and the smoking wreckage fields after that ...
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I have a question BErankStylisticSagittarius[NL], Have you seen Hovercraft more often or less often than Rovers?
+0 / -0
much more often.
Altough i don't really like them myself
+0 / -0
p.s. if there are good replays with rovers feel free to post them.
I've never seen one.
+0 / -0
I'm gonna be real here and say this.

Rovers are actually good.

Masons do their job for their price, honestly.

Darts are decent at scouting and taking down cheaper raider units.

Scorcher's can be very hard to tie down, they can destroy your internals if left unchecked.

Fencers do what the name would imply, they keep enemies at a distance thanks to their long range and remarkably decent damage for early game.

Rippers actually bad, people can agree on this one.

The ravager is a pretty good unit. It has decent speed with good health, It's a good all round unit that can fill multiple roles.

Dominatrix is one of the more interesting units in the rover assemblies list. It allows you to capture enemy units and take them as your own.

The badger is pretty good at area denial if left alone. From my experience, a single badger left alone for a minute or 2 can block off a single passage.

The impaler is pretty good at taking down static defense's(Lotus, picket, etc.)

Crasher is AA and can deal with swifts pretty easily(considering its projectile does 290 damage, this works well with a razor).

Rovers are waay to slow right now, they should own all land units when it comes to speed and they don't even have the fastest land based unit either...

They aren't slow, at least anything that isn't an impaler, dominatrix, and fencer is. The 3 stated are slow for good reasons, the impaler is artillery, the dominatrix would just be really powerful if it could move really quick, and the fencer is a static defense unit.

Do rovers have problems? Yes, a lot of factories have individual problems but that's how game balance works, rovers shouldn't dominate the meta because of minor shortcomings that exist solely to make them weak enough to be balanced out.

the rocket rover's demand to stay stationary to fire is according to me also a direct opposite of what a rover should do XD.

you're a sadistic mad man
+4 / -0

6 years ago
tanks are more noob friendly than rovers these days thats all

if u new to game and just send tanks and rovers at each other, cost for cost, tanks will probably win
+2 / -0

6 years ago
Once panther & archer are nerfed, Rover will look better.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
Why should they be nerfed? Rovers are fine.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I believe he meant that once both archer and panther are nerfed, the rovers as a whole will look better, indirectly speaking.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
if u new to game and just send tanks and rovers at each other, cost for cost, tanks will probably win

That's a problem though, as Tanks are the higher weight units. Low weight units should defeat high weight units in mindless combat as high weight units can retreat and repair to apply attrition.
+2 / -0