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Rovers vs Tanks

20 posts, 2296 views
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6 years ago
What rovers factory can do versus tanks factory.
Let me explain.
Kodachi has almost same speed (<1%) as scorcher, and it can kill many scorchers in two shots. 160 metal vs 130 metal. If at least 2 kills, it good trade.
Ogre can kill scorchers in one shot, rippers in 3 shots, and it hast AoE, and bigger range.
Minotaur has bigger range than ravager, and speed dereferences is not so big, probably even kitting can be effective.

A lot of unit combinations, but I think, that many ogres + 1-2 minotaurs (vs fencers) can be effective.
How rovers can counter this? No skirmishers in this fac.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
domis and darts
+1 / -0

6 years ago
One scorcher can beat or push back a kodachi, depending on micro. Darts can give both kodachis and blitz a very hard time.

The main problem here is that these strategies require much more APM by the vehicle player than the tank player. Thus I suggest to start building up some slashers towards mid game.

+0 / -0

6 years ago
I am not sure that the scorchers work against multiple kodachi.
+2 / -0
Anarchid is right. ITs hard to deal with kodachi groups or mixed kodachi forces cost effectively.

Early game in a situation with one kodachi, the way to beat them is to be right otuside their range, and when they shoot something else, dive em.

Its generally important you go straight into them (so you are driving into eachother), so hes forced to turn around. That turnaround is what lets you get close enough to kill em. Otherwise you will not be able to kill it. Kinda similar with glaives and bandits.

Alternatively you can use two darts and a scorcher. One dart dies, one closes up and slows down the kodachi so the scorcher can get close. Its fairly micro intensive. Only works vs one kodachi or if they have fired already on other things.

I suggest making solars everywhere the kodachis can approach so they shoot the solars first without heavy micro. Solars are easy to repair and can get you the opening you need.
+1 / -0
Big APM + darts sounds good. I think that it should work vs 1-2 kodachi.

Any suggestions about midgame. How to beat Ogres+something and Minotaurs+Ogres/something without dominatrixes? Because Minotaur much better than Ravager, I think
+0 / -0
dominatrix is the anti heavy in rovers arsenal. and pretty much the only thing that can handle ogres cost effectively unless you have a billion slashers (and the tank player could just put a minotaur in front and screw you). if you're not willing to use the domi then rover is going to be rather sketchy for you.

an early domi can even be powerful. if th e tank player isnt paying attention its easy to cap a kodachi or blitzes. tank also lack cheap units to bait domis into cooldown with.

the real question is, what to do when emissaries start to come out.
+0 / -0
dominatrix is the anti heavy in rovers arsenal

Try using it to counter any real heavy (crab, grizzly, cyclops), and you'll learn that Domi is not antiheavy.

Rovers don't really have any real antiheavy. What they've got is a bunch of units with an anti-heavy sidearm, which, when used in mixes that are optimal for each special case, and with special tactics for each case, tend to kind of work against isolated heavies.

Like you can kite and capture Minotaurs and Ogres with Dominatrix, or theoretically swarm, slow, and melt Grizzly and Cyclops using a Dart/Scorcher mix.

Many of these fall apart if the situation becomes slightly different from what you were preparing for. One Kodachi will ruin your Cyclops dive, a couple Archers will ruin your Grizzly dive, and a sudden Cyclops will ruin your Dominatrix play.

the real question is, what to do when emissaries start to come out.


Emissaries are dirty play, so you're allowed to play dirty against them. Rovers have the Thunderbird advantage over tanks (faster speed, more dps/cost on scorchers and darts), so you can make good lasting damage if you follow-up a thunderbird strike with a rover wave attack.
+1 / -0
I sort of like that Rovers don't have specialists and rely on these kind of plays to defeat heavies.

That said, I think the Rover fundamental units - Scorcher and Ravager - could do with a little love as they don't even feel best of class and have been left behind in the general power-creep. More Scorcher HP & Ravager projectile speed!
+0 / -0

6 years ago
or tanks bigger hitvolume ans slower speed?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
It does seem strange that both Tank raiders are actually faster than Rovers.
+4 / -1
6 years ago
scorcher buffs sound terrifying for bots, scorchers already kite bots fairly easily... making them stronger would be fairly scary
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Maybe small speed nerfs to Tank raiders? Or increased speed loss penalty on turning?
+1 / -0
6 years ago
>It does seem strange that both Tank raiders are actually faster than Rovers.
Are you sure? Wiki said, that Scorcher speed (111) > Kodachi speed (110) > Blitz speed (102)
+1 / -0
6 years ago
On straight lines youll die before you catch up really (or get empd).
+0 / -0

6 years ago
+0 / -0
6 years ago
darts stop working if theres 2-3 kodachi or ogres
+1 / -0
I argued to nerf Ravager projectile speed in the past because it made it a nightmarish generalist unit when there were more than five, they'd kill raiders no problem and run down skirmishers. This worked, and thus now Ravager reliably loses to raiders.

Well. In the age of Killager, i'm not sure i would argue that again. :P
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Make Ravager spam great again
+4 / -0

6 years ago
On subject of rovers, rover cons/Masons do kinda under perform currently though, every con has a gimick of it's own but Mason is kinda just "eh" without anything relevant to it, it doesn't move fast(which considering it's a rover should only lose to 2 air cons on flat terrain), it doesn't have a significant amount of HP, it doesn't have an increase build range or build speed and it's open to build animation is still often laggy at times.
Maybe give it a 20-30% damage reduction when it's closed/not building?
+1 / -0